Save Me......

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I busy :/ srry

🌌Haruma's POV🌌
"AKIRA!?"A man with black hair and eye bags under his eyes shouted my name.He was running towards me,while I was on the ground sitting on my lap,tears falling of my cheeks,blood splattered all over my face,clothes and even the floor.The bright blue sky turned into a dark black night,the stars were right there shining giving me a sign from the moon.They were all aligned to spell out the letters and words.

"Erase it or stay like it"The stars spelled those words giving me a chance,the only my star necklace can do is heal and memories.
"Akira,are you alright"the man said that run towards me,I didnt even notice the Pro heroes who were talking,while the kids who I almost murdered were already inside the   ambulance.

"Y-yes Sensei"I said while looking at the ground.
*Flashback ends*
"SPLASH!"I came back from reality when I heard the water splash behind me.I quickly removed my head from the door and turned to look behind me.A girl with white hair was standing right their just washing their hands.
"You know you shouldnt be here"she said.I was confused I didnt know what to say,What did she mean by not aloud to be here does she know.The silence started to echo in the bathroom leaving the water splashing and splashing until our voices were the only one left in the silence.She closed the faucet but she was still holding it not letting it go.
"What do you mean?"I asked,but she looked like one of those things I know(she meant ghosts).Wait a minute.

"What are you doing here!?"I asked half yelling.She let go of the faucet and turned to face towards me,she had a weak smile.
"Hahaha so you finally noticed"she said,her skin started to turn pale and she had a bit of a white all around her,she even had blood all around her body.
"I banished you dark souls to Hell!!!and yet, still your here!?"I shouted at her,I knew the theater was very quiet so if I shout it'll echo in the halls, hearing our conversations.But I didnt care about that now.She opened her mouth about to say something when a knock on the door was heard from the other side of the door.
"Haruma-kun Are you alright?I heard you yelling from here"I knew it was Ochako-kun and I answered while  I took and threw a Moon shuriken to the dark soul.It got hit of how she was so busy looking through the door.
"Y-yeah!Im fine dont worry about me!"I said while I faced to the door,the dark blue moon shuriken that I had in my hair tie was making her fade away.I was trying to send her back where she belonged.HELL.I knew if all the dark souls went to earth they'll all just start haunting people,I only let the bright souls to earth so they can see how theyre friends and families are doing.I also let the dark souls onto earth but I sent star guards to watch them if they try and run away.

"Okay!Well hurry up!"she said while I heard her skipping away,her steps were the only one echoing through the halls until a clanck was heard from behind me.The Moon shuriken mustve fell because the dark soul is gone.I sighed and picked up my Moonshuriken and tiedit back up to my hair,I stood up and washed my hands and unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom.Then I arrived at the theater(well not really movie room of course I dont what else to call it pls tell me in the comments)

🕕Time skip🕔

❤Uraraka's POV❤
I just went skipping in the hallways only to be met by echos of my footsteps."I wonder if she is ok?"I said in my mind.I arrived at the movie room with Haruma-san behind me.We went back to our seats only to get a jumpscare from a lady.
"EEP!"I said jumping on Iida-kuns lap waking him up.While my arms were around his neck holding on real tight.
"Oh what,what is it Ochako-san?"he asked with a slight blush in his cheeks.
"N-nothing"I said turning to face towards him we were both blushing feeling our own breaths cause we were so close to each other,I was gerting closer.His right hand was holding onto my neck while his left hand was on my hips.I scoot even closer then thats when something wanted me to hurry up by a scream from the movie but also heard yelling from the place were Taruka-kun and Haruma-san was sitting at,*sigh*it was Bakugo-kun.I turned to face them while Iida-kun just turned his attention to the movie again still holding onto me.

💥Bakugo's POV💥
Shitty hair was still having his FUCKING ATTENTION TO THE FUCKING MOVIE WHILE I COULDNT DO ANYTHING REAL GOOD.So I told him that Im leaving but he stopped me and told me not to go cause he'll be FUCKING LONELY WHEN I LEAVE
"WERE GETTING FUCKIN DORMS NEXT WEEK SHITTY HAIR!"I half yelled at him but he was still holding onto me thats when I got real mad.....

HELLO!I hope you guys were enjoying my story I was quite busy with LeArNiNg stuff.I even almost got my phone confiscated by my dad😅.It was a really 1003 words thank you so much for still staying with me I cant really blame you guys if you arent reading my story😟Didnt even know this was a hard type cause Im always supposed to do my chores or Im grounded😒Its never easy if your in.well. Uhm not telling you😅 Well thats all hope you guys enjoyed!Lunar Out!💜🌌

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