You were never welcome....

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Have fun reading fanfic!

👽Masui's POV💭
I looked around the classroom to spot the same people I saw in the market.While I was also looking around,I found my one and only True Love~.
"Alright Class do whatever you want just dont wake me up,Yaoyurozu"the teacher said while a girl with black hair and eyes stood up.
"Yes Sensei?"she said.
"Make Masui a chair and a desk and put it in the front"he said while he made his way inside of his sleeping bag.Then she just nodded while she put a chair and a desk in the front.While I made my way to it.
"Thank you"I said while I faked a smile at how really skinny she looked.
When I sat down,a couple of girls made their way to my seat and Introduced their selves.
"Hello!My name is Mina Ashido amd my quirk is Acid!"a girl with pink hair and skin with black and yellow eyes said,she kinda've looked like a alien.
"Hi!My name is Ochacko Uraraka and My quirk is Zero Gravity!"a girl with short brown hair,with big brown eyes said while she floated and made her way down.
"Hi,Im Kyoka Jirou and my quirk is Earphone Jack"a girl with purple hair and black eyes with-uh something on her ears said"What weirdo's"I said in my mind.

*~😇After the Introduction😈~*

💥Bakugo's POV💭
There was a fucking new girl in the class.Her quirk was BiRd HuNtEr like I fucking cared which made me think that this NeW girl was a bit fucking suspicious.How about Blue ponytail, what does she think of her.I faced towards to the Blue head(Haruma)who was sending deep daggers to MaSuI-sAn.It looked like she also hated the fucking new girl.I'll just call her idiot not really thinking much of a name for that new...girl.UGH DAMNIT I SAID CALL HER AN IDIOT NOT-
"Yo Bakubro are you ok?"Shitty hair said who was standing beside my chair with Dunce face beside him.
"Leave me alone you 2 idiots"I said while I faced to the window beside me.
"Are you sure?,It looked like you have a crush on Masui-san.You've been staring at her anyway"Dunce face said that made Shitty hair look away.
"THE FVCK?I DONT HAVE A FVCKING CRUSH ON THAT IDIOT"I said trying fvcking BEST to try and not FVCKING shout or else Im going to be suspended or something then maybe I wont be a hero anymore.That'll be fvcking nightmare.

*~🕕Time Skip🕕~*

It was finally lunch and I was starving.The 2 were still fvcking following me as if I was their fvcking owners and they were my dogs.Thats when I had enough.
"WHY THE FVCK ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!?"I said while I faced towards them who were about to say something but got interrupted by some brat.

"Hey!Leave them alone!"The idiot came to rescue these 2,who stood infront of them.She doesnt even know this happens all the time until a pair of black wings pushed her aside.

"Ow!Hey!Whats your problem!?-"She said who got cut off by blue ponytail.
"Next time think before you get into fights you moron"she said,she had never done this to anyone not even to other losers that get in my way but this time it looks like she doesnt like the idiot that much.

The idiot got real mad and activated her quirk,Shitty hair saw while Dunce face was about to say something until her hand made her way to her eyes threatening her and said.
"I pretty much think the girls didnt tell you about me then how about I introduce myself.Hi My name is Akira Haruma and my quirk is fade,whatever I touch fades away that includes"she said while she whispered something to the idiot.
"You.."that made the idiot tremble while blue ponytail removed her hand onto the idiots eyes.
"It wasnt really nice knowing you if you do die.Remember these words"she said.

"You were never welcome to our class"she said while she walked past the idiot.I didnt really care at all I was proud that for once she's on my side.After she left,Shitty hair and Dunce face didnt even help the idiot because they knew idiot was going to kill blue ponytail so they didnt help but...
"Here"Shitty hair said who handed a hand to the idiot and she grabbed it while me and Dunce face were shocked.

"Im very sorry about her,she just has alot of trust issues-"
"WHAT THE FVCK SHITTY HAIR!?"I shouted at him who was still holding onto the idiots hand.
"NOW'S NOT THE TIME BAKUBRO,KIRISHIMA-KUN!?SHE TRIED TO KILL HARUMA-SAN AND YOUR STILL HELPING HER!"Dunce face said who also shouted at Shitty hair who let go of the idiots hand.

"Guys I know what you mean but,She could change she only did it for self-defence"Shitty hair said.
"Self-defence my ass!She almost killed my sister!"A voice came out of nowhere when we faced behind us eyebags was actually right there the whole time and we didnt even fvcking notice.

"Look if you guys are just going to argue because of Masubro then Im leaving"Shitty hair said who already left to go and get lunch.
"Dont forgot this is your fvcking fault this happened"I said that made the idiot smile.

👽Masui's POV💭
My plan was absolutley working!I didnt even notice I was smiling.
"What the plus ultra are you smiling about?You pushed are friend away and its all your fault."A boy with yellow hair with a black lighning bolt and yellow eyes said.
"Maybe it was her fault this happened"I said while A giggle made its way out of my mouth,dont worry my sweet Izuku I hope your waiting for me My Love hehehe.......

Word count:

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