My Grandmother's Tune......

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You can play this tune once its at the part where Akira plays the violin,yeah I know this video doesnt belong to me but I just loved this tune so much and wished I could play the violin,well thats all have fun reading!😊💜

🎤🎵Jirou's POV💭
It was time for the sleepover and we needed to get prepared,we needed snacks,drinks,sleeping bags,and-well Akira's violin to play when its time for us to sleep-Oh!Also some movies, almost forgot that.

Things to do for the sleepover:
Sleeping bags

"Alright guys who was assigned to get the sleeping bags?"I asked standing in the living room while the others were sitting down,I gotta admit we are alot,23?.Shinsou,Iida,Tsu, and Yaoyurozu raised their hands.
"Ok so where are the sleeping bags?"I asked while the put their hands down.
"Oh their right here"Yaoyurozu said who brought out a huge bag of sleeping bags with different colors in it.

Things to do for the sleepover:
Sleeping bags✔

"Ok guys next is snacks,Who brought snacks!"I asked excitedly.Uraraka,Todoroki,Tokoyami,Shoji,Aoyama raised their hands.
"Ok where are the snacks?"I asked and they brought their hands down too.Shoji revealed a alot of snacks on all of his hands.
"Are these enough?"Shoji asked and I nodded.

Things to do for the sleepover:
Sleeping bags✔

"Okay drinks?"I asked while Kouta,Kaminari,Sero,Kirishima-Bakugo who raised his hand aggresively,Hagakure and Ojiro.
Then I saw a floating tray with drinks in it, I didnt even recognize it was Hagakure that was-naked......
"Uhm Hagakure Are you wearing any clothes?"Ojiro asked who was also holding a tray of drinks alongside with Sero too who was also holding a tray of drinks.

"U-Uhm Y-yeah Im naked sorry I couldnt find any clothes"she said who blushed slightly when we all know we cant actually see it.
"Oh!Hagakure-san you coudlve just asked!Here"Yaoyurozu-san said while she pulled out clothes from her arms and handed them to Hagakure.
"Oh here I'll hold it"I said who put my notepad in between of my arms amd squeezed it tightly so it wouldnt fall and held the tray Hagakure-san was holding.

*~Time Skip~*

🎻🎵Haruma's POV💭
Ok uhm maybe saying that we should have a sleepover might be a bad idea uhm,you know what its fine,Mom did this alot to me and my siblings-BUT I CANT SUMMON MUSIC!I can only summon PoRtAlS its just really unfair!I was standing right infront of everyone who just sitting down some were just laying down while I was holding my violin.I inhaled and exhaled and I made my position holding my violing up my left shoulder and while I was holding the stick(I dont know what you call it).

Then music started to be heard from my violin at first,I heard music before I played the violin,but I just ignored it.

3rd Person POV
The music was smooth and light and.......sad?It was very not really knowing how they can explain it then when the music started to go high the teens heard snaps one by one.Haruma had her eyes closed until she got to the part where it get higher and heard loud drums coming from the background,she opened her eyes and looked if her friends did anything that created music but the others were just shocked that her quirk was almost the same as her mother's or was coming from the violin.The music that was heard was making Akira remember everything from her past as if she was being pulled back where she used to belong.

The drums?,piano?,snaps?,and violin?.It all made sense now it was the tune where Lady Akita's grandmother used to play this tune to her grand daughter Lady Akita.Everyone knew the story about "The Goddess Of The Moon" then they all noticed the music becoming really low well not deep low they mean like a light music until they saw a light coming from Haruma's moon crystal.They all looked at the light appearing a small little girl smiling brightly to her mother.The little girl had dark blue and black hair with white eyes but also had purple moon pupils,it reminded them of-Haruma!The mother had dark blue hair with light white hair.
"Yeah thats definitly Haruma and her mother when she was a newborn baby"everyone thought when they finally realized they quickly saw Haruma with Purple tears starting to come out of her eyes.Her amethyst eyes turned into a white pearl with a purple moon pupil,she was crying, not that because of the memory.I was because she thinks it was her fault her mother ended up in the hospital.

Her mother was willingly to take the bullet for her own daughter.Everyone noticed and they all looked at each other and made a plan.Then after the plan they knew what to do.

Once the music was about to go back to its original tune,Haruma heard a stomp.The stomp came from what it seems her classmates while she also saw her classmates that clapped too and copied the tune.She was so thankful to have them as her friends,she loved them so much that it made like any other smile,her smile was like the scary night sky,no stars with the dark bloody moon that changed everything and turned it into a Dark blue sky,the stars were visible,the moon shined brightly like her smile and when she cries.

Her tears fall like the shooting stars that appear from the galaxy.Her favorite was the moon of course.The music turned to a sad and then a happy tune that made her smile very contagious that it caused evryone to smile too.They were all so proud from how far they have gone to.

The entrance exam,the USJ incident,the sports festival,the hero killer stain,the camp attack,the mission to save Eri,the gentle man and his lover, and the UA festival.The UA festival was the most memorable memory they had.The music ended with the same tune from the begining where they heard that tune.They all smiled at Haruma and run so fast that Haruma didnt even had time to react.

They quickly hugged her so tightly and she even hugged back,she smiled at the light of memory she had before it even faded away.The only thing that was left was the old laugh of her parents and her older brother.............Ataiko.

1130 words yay!Have a good day or night!Lunar out!💜🌌

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