Chapter 9

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A girl is aloud to be lazy🤧🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏽‍♀️

              Abeg o don't mind me be I'm a very lazy somebori. I even get tired of holding my phone sometimes that's why I hate phone calls.


                But I love you guys so I cannot abandon you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

Grrrrrr... grrrr... grrrr my phone kept on ringing interrupting my beautiful sleep.

Whoever is calling me like I've stolen his/her kidney is dead. "What?" I grumbled with my eyes still closed.

"Fine, I'm up" I said scrambling out of the bed.

That was ya Haytham, apparently I'm the only one still sleeping. I checked the time to see it's already 11:25 am, whoa I slept a lot.

I quickly walked to the toilet, took a quick shower, performed ablution because it's almost time for zuhr prayer, and dressed up in a tank top, trousers and snickers. I know for sure we'll be going for bicycle ride, so I just tied my veil in a turban and head out.


Pushing the door to Cilantro, I saw my family seated around a family table having their breakfast/lunch.

"Good afternoon to you all" I greeted taking the only empty seat left which is in the middle of ya Fudail and ya Khalid, and luckily ya Nameer is sitting opposite me yayyy (note the sarcasm).

"Hey muffin" ya Khalid said ruffling my veil loosing it in the process.

"Urghh, ya Khalid you don't have to do that" I whined.

"Khalid stop it already" ya Khalil glared at him passing me a plate filled with French fries and sandwich.

"Finish everything" he indicated with his eyes.

I just nodded and started eating my breakfast, ya Khalil knows exactly what to order for me. Minal passed me a cup of Oreo shake and trust me it was amazing.

Ya Nameer keeps on staring at me nonstop and it's making me uncomfortable. And this pesky Benazir keeps on looking back and forth between us.

I've always known how obsessed she is with ya Nameer, it's pretty obvious. She's shameless.

"Umm, So Jessie how's Jamil?" Benazir inquired making me choke on my food.

"Ooops easy JJ" ya Fudail tapped my back in a petting manner, handing me a cup of water.

Sorry was heard around the table.

"Jamil is doing great" I gritted out with a fake smile.

I felt someone's eyes on me but I didn't try looking up to see whose eyes are on me.

I continued eating and chatting quietly with ya Fudail, he's asking me where I want to work after school and I simply told him on my bed.

Honestly I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep after school, just that will be okay with me. We are done eating and just chatting around waiting for it to digest.

Layl and ya Ma'mun is now chatting with us, this guy is hilarious.

"Ya Nameer do you want more tea" Benazir asked with a fake accent. She's been trying to get his attention but it's like ya Nameer is not up for it.

"No" he replied curtly.

Good for her, she's so annoying. Anyways why do I even care, I huffed inwardly and looked away. Yen yen yen pesky creature.

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