Chapter 10

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It's been 8 days since we came back from our mini vacation, and I'm currently writing my last paper. We'll be leaving for Katsina in two days, that'll be on Wednesday.

That means I'll be seeing dada in two days, yayy I can't wait to see him. I miss him and his everyday tantrums so much.

I've been in my thoughts a lot lately, look everyone is done with this paper, it's only 4 of us left in the hall but I'm leaving now.

I submitted my booklet and met Minal outside waiting for me by the door.

"Hey" I called out.

"What took you this long to finish this paper?" She asked.

"Lost in my thoughts again" I sighed taking my bag from her.

"Ohh" She mumbled as we reached the car.

We continued out of the school without a word from any of us. Both lost in our thoughts I guess.

I drove us to wuse 2, because I'm craving galaxy pizza's ice cream.

"Why are you driving towards wuse 2" Minal asked.

"Ice cream" I answered curtly.

"Oh, okay" she said taking her phone out.

Woah, this place is chunked up with people. I parked outside, because the parking lot is filled with cars.

"Are you coming?" I asked her taking my wallet out.

She just nodded and exit the car, because she's on a call.

Look she's just leading the way, as if it was her idea to come here in the first place. "Hmph" I huffed. I wonder who's on the phone with her.

We got our ice cream and was leaving when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around just to see Ghalib our long time best friend.

"Ghalib" I squealed giving him a bone crushing hug.

"Oh my god, when did you come back?" Minal asked hugging him.

"Just three days ago" he breathed out with a soft laugh.

"Is this supposed to be some kind of surprise?" I asked. Oh my god, you don't know how excited I am to see him, he's been away to school in Cyprus for 4-5 years now I guess.

"Sort of" he answered walking us to the car.

"What a great surprise" Minal said. I just nodded getting into the car.

"As much as I want to chat with you, We have to leave now" I said feigning sad face, "it's getting late" I added.

"Oh, it's fine next time in shaa Allah" he said closing my door.

I drove us home, ya Amjad will pick her up from our house later at night.


"Assalamu alaikum" We said in chorus entering Mimi's room.

"Alaikum mussalam, a warti na (you're back?)" Mimi asked.

"Mi warti" I answered.

"Mimi good evening" Minali greeted sitting in front of Mimi.

"Ah, Minal how are you?" Mimi asked taking a hold of Minal's hand.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah" Minal answered.

"So.... How's your exam?" She asked us.

"It was okay Alhamdulillah, but Jessie kept on spacing out of the world" Minal complained.

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