Epilogue: The Best Gift (Part II)

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          "That movie was really great!" You exclaimed while exiting the theater.
          "It really was. But...are you sure that it was fine for you to pay for my ticket, [Name]? I mean.." He rubbed his neck nervously.

          You pouted and faced him, "What? I can't treat someone to the movies just because I'm a girl?"

          "W-well it's just that...well normally umm-!" He flustered, but you could only chuckle at his cuteness.

          "Please don't worry about it. Besides, it's a special occasion and I already had some money saved up from my part-time job. Hehe."

          "If you say so.." he flushed slightly as he grabbed your hand. "Well then, what should we do next?"

          You looked down at your trotting feet as you pondered. "Oh I know! Let's go to the mall! I mean." You chuckled, "I don't really like being around so many people but..I dunno, if you'd like to, then we can go.."

          "Haha, that's a great idea. It'd be our first time out of town together." He squeezed your hand a bit before locking eyes with you, "And don't worry about the people, I'll make sure to stay close to you."
          You thanked him with a shy smile /Ah, he's really incredible, isn't he?\

          You both hurried toward the station and stepped inside the train that led toward the neighboring town.

          "Phew!" You sighed while settling yourself into a seat. "I haven't been on a train since I moved here for the first time."
          Makoto sat beside you and threw his head backward to rest. You glanced at his perfect profile for a few moments, carefully eyeing his nose, his mouth, his well-toned neck. Sometimes You couldn't really tell if he was an actual human or an angel. /I wonder\, you thought while looking around. There weren't many people on the train, about two or three. /I don't think he'll mind...\

          "C-could you put your arm around me?"
          "Ah sure." He flushed and sheepishly wrapped his arm around your frame.

          "Thanks." You flushed a bit as you rested your head onto his shoulder and proceeded to poise your hand over his broad chest. It felt so darn good, and although you couldn't see his face, the racing of his heart was clearly palpable under your touch. /He still gets nervous, huh? Heh. All this time and he still can't get completely used to it\ you clutced his shirt /I still can't believe we're together\.

          The ride was soothing as the sound of the rushing engine craddled you into numbness. If it weren't for Makoto waking you up, you'd have end up sleeping during the whole ride.

          The mall was HUGE. Well, at least bigger that any building you had ever seen. Once inside, you both began to explore the hundreds of stores inside the structure. Book stores, candy stores, and other stores that you hadn't heard of before. Although you were amazed by everything, your eyes fell upon a particular clothing store for men.

          "Over here, Mako!" You tugged him over to the store and picked up a beautiful, grey collar shirt that caught your eye. "What do you think about this shirt?" You held it up in front of him.

          "D-don't tell me you're-"

          "Do you like it or not? I think it'd look fantastic on you."

          "It's a very nice shirt. But, you're not thinking about buying it...are you?"

          The statement irked you a bit and you rose your voice with slight annoyance "Why can't I? Is it that wrong for me to buy something for the person I love?" You didn't notice your own words until you saw Mako's cheeks redden. Only then, did the blood rush to your own cheeks. "I-I mean...um..." the words refused to come out and you sighed in defeat.

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