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When everything starts to fall in order, there isn't much left to do, just enjoy the new aspect of the life that you are about to embark.

Rehabilitation has been the hardest thing Mom has done, but it is the best decision she took. She is just a few weeks away from getting her 12-month chip, she is excited about it, and we are happy and proud of her, because it takes a lot of self-domain and strength to do what she has done. Xavier flew Mom to San Diego, so she could meet her grandson, it was rewarding to see Mom smile, have a genuine smile on her face. It is rewarding to see Mom being happy, period.

Sarah and Ramon are engaged, if everything goes as planned, Sarah and Ramon will have a very snowy wedding in NYC. Where they will be living because there is where Ramon lives.

It is enough to say that Sarah and I left our jobs at the Hale Hotels.

And I thought that after our last encounter Cornelius and Dannie had learned their lesson and finally decided to leave us alone, but how wrong I was, shortly after our last encounter, Xavier was arrested and charged with sexual assault having Dannie as the victim who filed a report against Xavier, I wasted no time and gave the video Dannie sent me to Xavier's lawyers, by the end of that day, Dannie had retired the charges and Xavier was released. That fast Xavier requested his lawyers to file for a restriction order for himself and for me, which was granted. Officially, Dannie Woods cannot be close to Xavier Hale and Danielle Hale in a 1000-meter radius neither have any contact with us.

Which she later violated and was placed under arrested.

As for us, Xavier and I are simply enjoying our life together.

Sex is still and always be out of this world.

Our love grows every single day that passes.

And we are the proud parents of our baby boy.

When I found out that was pregnant a lot was going on, Xavier and I were dealing with Cornelius and his daughter, and yes, there was a moment where I questioned what kind of mother and wife, I would turn out to be, but I had not put my mind into it, I had not entirely processed the idea of becoming a mother. All I knew was that I was happy with the idea of marrying Xavier and having the baby, so my mind was in that happy cloud.

When I looked at myself in the mirror as I was wearing my wedding dress, the last fitting, that was the moment were I realized that I was getting married to an amazing man and I did not had any good reference on how to be a good wife, we do not need to go over the point about the kind of marriage my mother had with that despicable man, also I have never had a long term relationship, all my relationship tend to end after 5th date, to specific, the moment we have sex, because I do commit to do a very good job, but the guys...let's leave it there and move on to the moment I meet Xavier.

Xavier brings out the good things out of me, the things I couldn't believe that I had in me. For him I took the decision to be the best wife I could be, because I am always at his pleasure.

I must say the wedding was perfect. It was small and filled with our closest friends and family, it was intimate and private, I just like I wanted it to be. A day both Xavier and I will always treasure.

Then my belly grew, and I started to realize that I had not only be a good wife for Xavier, I had to be a good mother for my baby, and It scared me, because once again, I do not have any good references.

But the moment my baby boy was placed in arms, time stopped, and nothing else mattered, because as soon as I looked as his handsome little face, I realized there wasn't a single thing in this world I wouldn't do for him and that for as long as I breathe, I would be the mother he deserves. This moment, where I cannot stop smiling like an idiot as I hold my son in my arms as he happily sleeps, makes me very happy. Dylan Xavier Hale makes us very happy.

Just like me, Xavier started to worry about what kind of father he was going to be, but all that changed when he held Dylan in his arms. Xavier loves being a dad and I love watching being a dad.

At one of those moments after we would have that moment of intimacy, after one of those deep conversations, Xavier told me something that made me fall more in love with him than I already had. A conversation I still remember:

A month ago...

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Xavier asks as he gets in bed "I still have not come to peace with sleeping while the baby sleeps" I answer "Sweetie, you need to rest, Dylan is going to be just fine, he has me, the security guards, and the maids looking after him, please, I do not want you to get sick" Xavier says as he pulls me close to him "Is just...YAWN...that what if I fall asleep and something happens?" I ask "Nothing will happen, now come on, fall asleep" Xavier says, I sigh as I cuddle in his chest.

"Dannielle" Xavier calls, I look at him "You and Dylan are the best that have ever happened to me" Xavier says, I smile "After my parents died, I was sent to live with many relatives, I grew up with relatives that only wanted access to the fortune my parents left me, and when they did not got any access, the would pass me on to the next relative, until grandparents intervened and brought me to live with them, I am all pro-family when it comes to other people fixing their problems and been united as a family, but I never believed for a second I could have that" Xavier says, I frown "Have what?" I ask "A family of my own" Xavier answers.

"Then I met you, what started as sex quickly turned into love, and there I was, planning my whole future with you, and when you simply agreed with all my ideas, I realized that it was time to put my plans into motion, make them a reality, then we found out that Dylan was on his way, and there I was, I had both a wife and a son" Xavier says, he looks at me.

"You made me realize I could do things that I never believed I could do, be husband and be a dad, I love you" Xavier says as he kisses me.

Hearing him say those words placed in perspective that Xavier and I are experts on individually looking at what's wrong with us, but we are experts on bringing the best out of each other.

Now is no longer about me being at his pleasure, is about each other been at our pleasure. 


At His PleasureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora