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I delete all the messages, place my phone in my locker, and lock it "I see now why he did not called you, he was busy banging Miss Walters" Sarah says "Apparently, she is better in bed than I am" I say "I'm sorry" she says "Don't be, he was a one night stand, he was good in bed, but nothing too serious, besides if he likes bottles instead of oranges, what can I do?" I say "That's true, but do not worry, I'll find you a new guy, maybe one of my babe's friends" she says "No, I am done with rich guys, I want a normal guy, and I'll get it on my own, thank you" I say "As you wish, hey, you are on the night shift, are you sure you do not want me to stay?" she asks "And miss your trip to Italy? No, go, I'll be fine, the night shift will good for me I have a lot things to think about" I answer "Okay, see you on Monday, I'll bring you something from Italy" she says, I smile "Please do and bye" I say as she heads out.

DOUBLE TIMING! He was sleeping with both of us. ARG! How could I have not know that? I should have left that rule clear, NO SLEEPING WITH OTHER WOMAN. I thought it was clear, that we were going to be exclusive (you know what I mean), but I was wrong, he is a player, once a player, always a player.

"Danielle" Miss Walters calls "Miss Walters" I call back, bitter very clear in my tone "Mr. Hale wants you to serve a really special guest, so here is the key to the room" she says as she hands me the key, I grab it "Give the guest whatever he or she needs, do not hesitate, because if Mr. Hale receives a phone call tonight, saying you did not serve our guest correctly, I'll fire you, and nobody will save you" or she will fire me, because her sex time got cancelled "Knock on the door 2 times and then enter, understood?" she says "Yes, Ma'am" I answer "Then get going" I nod and head to the elevator.

He gave me work to do, so I do not bother him while he bangs my boss, great, this is just great.

**Knock** **Knock** I unlock the door and walk into the room "Good night, I am Danielle..." I get cut off with a kiss and pull into an embrace, a very familiar embrace, I open my eyes, and push Xavier away "What are you doing? You are the owner, but this is crossing the line, I am supposed to be meeting with a guest" I say "Yes, me" he says "Then I am leaving" I say, but he hugs me tighter "Xavier" I call as I try to get out of his arms "Listen to me and then I'll let you go" he says "I do not have anything to listen to, let me go" I say as I struggle in his arms "I am not double timing" he says "Really? What about what I heard in your office? Aren't you supposed to be with her now?" I ask "I knew you were listening, so I was messing around" he says "You kissed her" I snap at him "Nothing more, I wanted to be with you tonight, only you" he says and I look away, he kisses my neck "You look so sexy when you are mad, you do not know what I want to do to you right now" he says "Nothing, cause I am leaving" I say "Should I call Veronica then?" he says and I look at him "I'm kidding" he says, I cross my arms, and he kisses me "Are we good?" he asks and I nod "Kiss me" he says and I place my arms around his neck "I do not like double timing" I say "Me neither" he says and I kiss him.

You know where this is going. Round 14.


I start to get dress "No, stay with me" Xavier says as he pulls me back, I smile "I have to work, Miss Walters must be mad, because you have gone missing, and she will want to take off that frustration on me" I say as he kisses my neck and runs his hand up and down in back "I do not want you to go" he says, I kiss him "I know, but I have to" I add "You are supposed to be making me happy" he says "We had sex 3 times, what else can I do to make you happy?" I say "Stay with me" he says "Take Miss Walters off my back" I say "Fine, go to the bar, get the most expensive bottle of wine we have, bring it up with two cups, also dinner, I am hungry, did you eat?" he asks and I smile "I ate breakfast with you" I answer and he makes a face "Go get us dinner and I'll get Veronica off our backs" he says, I nod as I head out.

"Danielle" speaking of the devil "Miss Walters" I call back "Have you seen Mr. Hale?" she asks "No, I have been running errands for the special guest, so he doesn't complain with Mr. Hale" I answers, she sighs "If you..." she looks at her phone and answers it "Xavier? Where are you?" she listens "Back to LA?" she listens again "I see, is okay, I understand, we can meet other time" she says and hangs up "You have everything under control, I am not needed here, so I am going home" I nod and she walks away. Nice one, Xavier.

I push the service cart in "Did it work?" Xavier asks as I close the door "Yes, she went home" I answers, Xavier smiles and kisses me "Good, you are staying the night" he says, I shake my head as I place dinner on the table.

Xavier and I just laid naked in bed, we were too full to have sex, so we just laid in bed, hugging, we watch a movie, Xavier told me a little about himself, I told him about me, more about the things we like, and for the first time, since we met, we got meet each other outside the bed.

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