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"Baby, are you returning today to San Diego?" I ask"Probably, why?"  Xavier answers "Because today is a really special day for us, and I want to do something for us" "Special day? What are we celebrating? Because is not my birthday, neither yours" "Today a month ago we had sex for the first time, for me that's reason enough to do something special" "And I will not burst your bubble, I will be there to celebrate that one of month ago we had out of this world sex for the first time" "Thank you, text me when you arrive to San Diego" "Where are we going to meet? The hotel or the apartment?" "I just ended the night shift, and today is my free day, so I'll go home check on Mom, sleep, and then get to the apartment" "Perfect, I'll text you when I arrive to the apartment" "Okay, see you in a few hours" "See you later, my queen" I smile "See you later, my king" I add and hang up.

"I asked my babe to come with me to the party and he is so in, what about you? Are you going to invite Mr. Mystery to the costume party?" Sarah asks, and I forgot completely about the costume party, well it was supposed to happen a month ago, but having the hotel under examination forced Xavier to move it, and I just forgot about it, will Xavier come with me? I do not know, but I will make him happy and then ask him "He has been really busy, so I do not know if will be here by the party" I answer "So you do see Mr. Mystery?" she asks "We have been messing around for a month now" I answer and she looks at me "What?" I ask "Why am I finding out now?" she asks back "Because everything escapes your mouth and I could not risk you saying what you shouldn't say" I answer "Point made, so there is a chance that you take him to the party?" she asks "Yes, there is a chance I ask him to come with me" I answer "I think things are turning serious between you and Mr. Mystery" she says "Why you say that?" I ask "Because nobody lasts so much with a player" she answers "Sex is good, we enjoy it, there is no reason to end it" I add "So you just have sex? Every single time you meet?" she asks "No, at first we did, but now we do whatever he wants, whatever he desires" I answer "You have a relationship with him" she simply states "No" I argue "You meet up everyday, not to have sex, just to be next to each other, you do stuff together, for me that's a relationship" she says and I chew on my lip.

>>"You have not talked with him about having a relationship" she says and I smile at her "Danielle, you can't be serious" she says "We left somethings clear before we started to see each other, maybe that's why we have not touched the subject" not to mention that involving feelings will ruin what we have, and I love what Xavier and I have "Do you have feelings for him?" she asks "I do not know, I mean, I have not think about it" I answer "You are saying that you have a relationship with someone, but you have not make it official?" she asks "You can say that" I answer "Oh Danielle" she says "What? Feelings are complicated, we do not like complicated, we like what we have, we are good" I add "And you can have the love of your life right in front of you, but just because you do not want to get rejected, just because you do not want to get out of your comfort zone, you are going to lose him, and always be the hook girl" she says "Why are you so worried about my love life?" I ask  "Because my babe asked me to move in with him, I am going to leave San Diego" she answers, I look at her.

>>>"Okay, that's away to break things down, when are you leaving?" I ask "In 2 weeks, Richard is still dealing with some business, and I am still selling stuff and packing things" she answers "You are happy, I am happy" I say as hug her "Back to the point" she says, I look at her "Talk to Mr. Mystery, I do not want you to be hook up girl for the rest of your life" she says, I smile "I will meet with him tonight, I will ask him about our relationship, and about the party" I say "Promise me that if he doesn't want to have a relationship, you will dump him" she says "I will, I promise" I say, she hugs me "I am going to miss you" she says, I hug her back "I am going to miss you too, visit me, thou" I add "I will" she says and we just hug each other.

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