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My father doesn't want to fix anything, my father only wants his precious Dannie to be with Xavier, that's why he is pulling the "I've been a terrible father" act, but I am not going to allow it, if Cornelius thinks he can screw me over like he screwed my mother over,  well he got another thing coming, I am going to show him why is a bad idea to try mess up with me.


But I promised Xavier that I was going to try, that I was going to give my father and his family the benefit of the doubt, so I can't kick his ass to the curb, and tell him to get lost, because over everything, pleasing Xavier is what matters, even when he doesn't seem to understand that my father and I will never be the big happy family he wants us to be.

**I'm safe up high, nothing can touch me** I sigh as I reach for my phone "Mother" I answer "I'll do whatever you want, whatever it takes, just comeback, Danielle, you know I am nothing without you" she says and I frown "Whatever I want?" I ask "Yes" she answers "I'll sign you up in a rehab center, you will stay there until you are completely healed, detox, once you are out, I'll bring you to live with me and Xavier, but if you quit, at any point, you lost me" I say "Done, just come get me, please" she says and I frown "I'll sent someone to get you, stay at the apartment" I say "Okay" she answers and I hang up.

Something is not right. My mother has been drinking for over 11 years, nothing has made her stop, trust me, I have tried many times and fail the same amount of time, but when I give up, when I bail on her, she decides to quit? Because she doesn't want to leave me? Something is not right, and I got the feeling that whatever is going on has to do with her new line of job.

"Xavier" I call as I exit my room "Love" he calls back from the sofa "Can you send someone to get my mother?" I ask and he looks at me "Sure, but why? I thought you didn't wanted anything to do with your mother?" he asks "I think something went wrong, my mother is in danger" I answer "Don't worry, love, I'll get my men to get your mother" he says and I nod.


"Danielle" my mother calls as she hugs me, seeking for protection, but I'm speechless, my mother is beaten up, dirty, and scared, I wasn't wrong, she was in danger, in trouble "What happened to you?" I ask as I return the hug "Pimp" she answers and I sigh as I fight my tears, I should have known, how could I leave her alone? I am a terrible daughter "Why don't you go take a bath? I'll get you some clothes, and cook you something to eat" I say as I walk my mother to the only guest room in the apartment.

"Love" Xavier calls as I start to cook dinner for my mother "Danielle" he calls again, but I continue with my task "Talk to me" he says and I sigh "What do you want to me to tell you?" I ask him "Whatever is going through your head" he answers "How could I left her like that? How couldn't I care for what happened to her? When she has always looked after me, how could I be so ungrateful?" I say as I start to cry "This is not your fault, Danielle, your mother..." "I wish she had never met him" I say cutting him off "Danielle..." "He is the cause of all of this, I hate the day my mother fell in love with that man, and if it were for me, I would never allow that man to get close to me again" I say cutting him off and he sighs "I hate to see you like this, tell me what to do, how can I make it better?" he asks "Keep him away, please, at least as long as she is here,  I don't want him near her" I beg and he kisses me "You got it, Love" he says and I hug him.

"Xavier got you into a very expensive rehab center which I know you'll find pleasing" I say as I place a plate with food in front of her "So you and this guy, you are very serious?" she asks "Yes, I love him" I answer "I noticed, but does he love you or does he love the way you do the deed?" she asks "Both" I answer, she laughs, I sigh "This is not what you think" I say "Really? Because it seems to me, Danielle, that you are confusing good sex with love" she says "He told me he loved me, your father did the same, and here I am many years later" she says "I thought nobody could talk trash of the Sperm Donor" I say "I can, I was married to him, you don't know him, you can't judge a book by it's cover" she says "Mom, I don't care about him, as a matter a fact, I am tired of living under the shadow of that man, and I am building my own life with Xavier, is up to you, either you move on with me or you stay living under his shadow for the rest of your life" I say "But what if Mr. Perfection back there is not what he seems to be?" she asks "I'll become you then, because I own him everything" I answer "I didn't raise you to become me" she says "Is not like I know something else" I say and she sighs "Before you truly end up like me, make sure he truly loves you" she says "You wouldn't be here if he didn't" I say as I exit the kitchen.

"I know, I said I was going to try, but I don't want to push her, she needs space, and I am giving it to her, I am sorry, Cornelius, but the father-daughter thing will have to wait" Xavier listens "I'm sorry, Cornelius, but something came up, and now more than ever, Danielle doesn't want anything to do with you or your family" Xavier listens again "Good bye, Cornelius" Xavier says as he hangs up, he sighs, I place my head on his shoulder and he kisses it.

"My future mother in law thinks I am not in love with you, she believes I am with you, because of the amazing and out of this world sex with have, which is somehow true, I love when we get together, but I love you, everything about you, the way you behave, you talk, you walk, you think, your personality, the list is long and I can go on, and on" he says and I smile "And your father is been really annoying, he wants you to make amends by any method possible" he says "Of course he does" I say "Which reminds me, what are you plotting?" he asks "Nothing" I answer and he grabs my chin, gently making me look at him "You are up to something, I can feel it" he says "During their I visit I realized something, but I am not going to tell you what, I am going to allow you to figure it all by yourself" I say, he kisses me "Okay, the doctor will come get her tomorrow morning" he says "She will be ready" I say and he kisses my head "I'm tired" he says "We should go to bed" I say and he pulls me closer to him, closer than we are "Let's enjoy been like this for a little while" he says and we cuddle in the sofa.

This day has been a mess. I need my bubble. 


"What's going to happen to me when I am done with my treatment?" Mom asks as we walk to the living room to meet with Xavier and the doctor "You are coming to life with Xavier and I, I'll take care of you, look after you" I answer "With his money" she says "I am very thankful with Xavier for worrying about you like this, for helping me help you get better, and the only reason why he is paying for this center is because I can't truly afford it, but I work, Mom, and I am going to cover your needs, not Xavier" I say and she looks at Xavier "I don't like to burst her bubble, so I allow her to think like that" he says and I roll my eyes to the heavens, my mother laughs and I look at her "Take care of my daughter, Xavier, don't allow her father mess her up like messed me up" Mom says to Xavier "Don't worry, Miss Brown, I'll take good care of her" Xavier answers as he shakes hands with Mom, but I frown "I know where your father lives, Danielle, I've always known, why? I don't know, but I do, and I know that  he doesn't stand you, and this make amends act, scares me" she says and I hug her "You thought me not to trust anyone, I'm not trusting him, I am keeping him at arm length, but Xavier is all pro-family, and for him I am going to try be his daughter" I say and she hugs me back "Nobody is going to love you as much as I love you, Danielle" she says "I know Mom, I love you too" I say and she kisses my cheek, I smile at her.

"Miss Brown, shall we?" the doctor says as he points at the door "I'll come visit you as soon as I am allowed to" I say and she nods as she heads to the door, Xavier grabs my hand and I smile at him "Thanks" I say and he kisses me "I knew it would be a matter of time, I knew you soon would come destroy my daughter's life" Mom says and I look toward her "Our daughter, and you should watch how you speak to me" Cornelius says "Or what are you going to hit me and blame it on the alcohol?" Mom says and I frown "What are you doing here?" he asks "None of your business" she answers "You accuse me of trying to destroy our daughter's life, when I think is the other way around, after all you are the one with the alcoholic problem" he says, I HAD IT.

I get between them "Mom would you get going, please let me know when you arrive" I say as I stare at my father, my mother exits the apartment and heads to the elevator followed by the doctor "Dani..." "My mother is my everything, so I will not stand you treating her like she is inferior to you" I say cutting him off in mid word "Do you where I met your mother?" he asks "Brothel, still that doesn't give you any right, and Xavier told you to back off, so back off" I answer as I close the door on his face.

"Love" Xavier calls as he hugs me from behind "If he wants me to make amends, he shouldn't mess with my mother, because she was the one who took care of me when he left us" I say "I'll make sure to remind him" Xavier says and I turn to face him "I know you lost your parents in accident, I know and understand why you want me to fix things with my Dad, but there are things, Xavier, things that are very hard to forget, to forgive, and actions like this, don't convince me of giving him a second chance" I say and he sighs "I just want space to adapt to the idea of him wanting to be part of my life, Mom getting into rehab, and us" I say and he nods, I kiss him "Thank you" I say and he hugs me.

I know, I am supposed to be pleasing his desires, but for the moment, in this matter, I want him to please my desires.

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