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Loud noise come from room 409, with things going up and down, Mattia and Ale are having the time of their lives but all that is cut short when a Steward comes to check up on them, Ale rushes to get his shorts and tank top on, he opens the door, he has a little convo with the steward, sends him off then takes his clothes off and heads back into the shower.

Alvaro and Janice are at a carnival, the two walk in holding hands, Alvaro feels a bit shy at first cause all this is new to him, Janice takes him to a photo booth to get his mind of it, they take a couple of pictures, with one were they were kissing which Janice forced him to, Janice seems really excited to be with Alvaro but he is still quite uncomfortable.

There's a really long line to ride the ferris wheel, Alvaro is tired of waiting but Janice makes him wait a little longer, they get on the ferris wheel together, Janice feels like Alvaro is bothered about something cause his been acting all different since they got to the carnival, he holds her hand and kisses her, tells her everything is OK, that he's never had a girlfriend, didn't think he ever will, but now he does and he's still getting used to it that he just needs time, this gives Janice a little comfort.

Anxiety is in the atmosphere as their final year exams are about to start, Mattia and Ale are back from New York unprepared, they thank Alvaro for covering for them while they were at NY then fill him up on what happened but fail to mention what's going on between them, They head to the exam hall to write their first paper, It was English which wasn't challenging at all, so they aced it.

It was the only paper they had for the day so they left school after, before Mattia and Ale went home they stopped at an abandoned building, the two begin making out as they undress each other, things become really tensed and hot, they're there till it's sun down then later head home.

When Ale gets home he texts Mattia to check up on him, Mattia replies immediately with a smiley face, the two chit chat for a while until Mattia facetimes Ale, they're up all night facetiming, Ale's mum knocks on his room door, Ale quickly gets up and grabs a book pretending to read it, Adriana tells him to sleep when he's done cause it's late, it's around 3AM, Ale just figured how long he's been up, but he isn't bothered cause he has no papers today, around 5AM Ale finally goes to bed.

Mattia wakes up 8AM still extremely tired, he cleans up and still goes to school though he's not having any papers, he gets to school and meets Ale there, he's so glad Ale came cause he was very unsure Ale was going to, even after the talk they had last night, Alvaro is surprised to see them in school cause usually when they don't have papers they don't bother coming,  cause they don't offer Auto Mechanics, they both lie that they're in school to study in the library, Auto Mech paper 1 is about to start, Alvaro rushes to the hall, Mattia and Ale actually go to the library, Mattia is staring at Ale the entire time in the library, Ale starts blushing, after sending signals, they stand up and head to the bathroom, impatient Mattia grabs Ale hurriedly in, they start kissing, Ale is worried that someone could just barge in and see them, Mattia ignores him and keeps kissing him, Moments later Alvaro enters to cheat then to his surprise he sees Ale and Mattia making out, they stop.

"What are you doing here?" Mattia buttons up.

"Cheating, you?" Alvaro waves a paper in the air.

"We're just friends" Ale interrupts

"Yeah... Friends with benefits" Alvaro squeezes the paper in his hand and walks out. Mattia and Ale feel ashamed.

After the exams, Alvaro walks home with Janice, she notices he's bottling up something inside, she worries it's about them dating again, Alvaro tells her it's not, that she shouldn't worry, she pries it out of him instead, he opens up about what's been going on between Mattia and Ale, and how they didn't tell him they've been seeing each other, Janice tries to understand the situation going on, then explains to Alvaro that they're probably not use to the idea of two guys dating cause of the heteronormative society they grew up in, just like the way he isn't used to having a girlfriend, Alvaro kisses Janice, she blushes a little, he seems in a hurry,  he escorts her to house then rushes off to Mattia's.

Mattia is facetiming Ale again, he hears a knock on his door, he opens it and sees it's Alvaro, Mattia tells Ale he'd call him back, Alvaro collects his phone before he hangs up and tells Ale to Come over immediately.

"Can't you see? You two are obsessed with each other" Alvaro starts "just admit it already you two obviously like each other like a lot"

"I mean, I don't know... " Mattia takes his phone back

"When is this going to end?"


"This! You two, back and forth, today you're just friends tomorrow you're making out in the boys' bathroom"

"Umm... " Mattia is short of words, Ale knocks on the door "that should be Ale" he goes to open the door

"About earlier,  we're really sorry we should have told you when we got back" Ale shuts the door behind him.

"It's OK, I get you two lying to me but to yourselves? I mean..." Alavaro says

"We didn't lie to you we just didn't tell you" Mattia cuts in

"As I was saying, you two are more than friends you can't stop talking to each other, thinking about each other and texting each other, come on!" Alvaro exclamtes

"I really like Mattia and he's always made me feel different ever since I met him that day, but when he blew me off that night I couldn't help but feel bad and I wanted to make him feel that way which is why I just wanted us to be friends" Ale admits

"I also really like you too, I just had internalized homophobia, I mean the idea of me even kissing a boy felt so terrifying to me, ever since I and Kairi I just felt you know... I hated Kairi for what he did that night, but mostly I hated myself" Mattia sighs

"you know what... How bout a double date, Me and Janice and you guys"

"Okay?" Ale's confused "are you sure about this?"

"Yeah" Alvaro nods.

On the double date things are going well Alvaro feels much more comfortable with Janice this time, Mattia and Ale are having their first date, Ale has pictured this moment since day one well without Alvaro and Janice in it of course, he's just really glad it's finally happening, the place they're at has Karaoke so they sing all night and have a fun time, Alvaro sees that Mattia and Ale want to be alone together so him and Janice come up with an excuse to leave, Mattia and Ale are left alone.

"Never thought this was going to happen" Mattia starts

"Yeah, the two of us #malejandro" Ale and Mattia laugh

"You're a pretty amazing guy, you know that?" Mattia compliments Ale

"How bout we head home? Just two 'friends' hanging out" Ale says with a hint of sarcasm

They head to Ale's, the two are all over the place, they have sex while Ale's mum is away.

I'd be updating the final three chapters in fall.

What do you think should happen from here?

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