Chapter 12

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Ed's eyes weren't human anymore. They were white as the paper for just a second. In all that darkness that folded around them, Lorraine wanted to lean to him and place a hand on his arm. To let him know that she was there with him.
Yet, a cold wall didn't let her. Her fingers hit it once by accident, then harder and harder.
Ed was slowly stepping away from her, bruises appearing.
'You have to hurry,' he whispered to her.

Lorraine gasped suddenly, exactly when the phone rang.

Terrified and with shaky hands, Ed stumbled to the bathroom and washed his hands. For a moment he hoped they weren't bruises. That they were anything else.
His hands had been the closest to Ruby. Maybe he had accidentally touched her before it was safe to do so. And that couldn't be good.
The cold water numbed the pain for a short while.
"This isn't working" he thought and silently swore.
Sprinting through the house, a terrible headache split his head. With a hand at his temple, he used the other one to search through a closet.
It had to be there.
Then his fingers wrapped around it and he pulled out a bottle of holy water. Not even caring that he wasn't above a sink, he poured it over his hands.
For a few moments it burned. It burned like the entire hell unleashed itself on his hands. And no matter how much he tried, he couldn't keep himself from shrieking of pain.
But the bruises disappeared. Not entirely, but still most of them.
"I need to call Lorraine."
She had to know. Because if anything would go wrong, someone had to know what to do.

'Lorraine,' Ed's rusty voice heard through the phone. 'Lor, you have to listen to me carefully.'
Her heart skipped a beat. After her vision with him, she suspected that something was about to go wrong. Very wrong.
'Ruby was at the school. It went terrible and I think now they believe us.'
'She was at the school?' Lorraine repeated terrified.
'Yes. They have to hurry with an exorcism because it's too dangerous. You have to convince them!'
'Okay, I will.'
'The demon is linking to other people. Adam might be connected to her too. My hands are...'
A terrible noise heard from the phone along with a few raindrops on the window.
'...I might...'
'Ed! I can't hear you what's going on?'
The call ended suddenly.
'No,' the girl muttered.
And as her hands slammed the phone more, she shouted louder.
Something was about to go very very wrong.
With quick moves, she rushed through the house and grabbed her coat. Locking the door turned out to be a lot harder with shaking hands than she expected.
The girl hadn't even noticed that outside the rain was pouring and her hood didn't help much. The cold water soaked through her clothes easily.
But the running made her blood boil and flow with the adrenaline.
Adam was connected to the demon apparently.
Ed was connected as well.
Ruby was dying.
A jump over a puddle and she changed the direction to the small road that led to Ruby's house. Her knocking was desperate and no one answered for a while.
A while that felt a lot longer.
Ruby's mother opened the door, her eyes pooling with tears of fear.
'I'm begging you,' Lorraine began. 'I'm begging you, believe us.'
The woman nodded slowly.
'We do now.'
'She has to be taken to the church or it will get so much worse.'
The father appeared too.
''You need to trust me now. At least on this one. Please.'
Lorraine's desperate cries convinced them. With a glare at each other, the parents accepted. And the girl's legs almost gave up at the relief.
However, it wasn't over. Not yet.

'What is going on here?'
The priest watched them with confusion.
Behind them, Ruby was screaming in her father's arms like she was on fire. But it wasn't entirely her screaming. It changed and changed from one to the other since she got close to the church.
The priest could see that something was wrong.
'She's possessed,' Ruby's father admitted for the first time. 'And it keps getting worse. She attacked me, she made chairs tremble.'
'And she wanted to kill herself.'
The priest made a sign to Lorraine to remain quiet after her words. But the other man denied.
'Let her speak. She knows a lot better.'
'She went into the Corvin house and probably touched something. For weeks, she had been stuck between reality and unconsciousness. She wanted to hurt herself multiple times and she asked for my help. Because I know about this stuff.'
All those words had been spoken in a few breaths.
'She's dangerous, Father. The demon might have connected to other people and we have to cut it from the source.'
Her hand ran unconsciously to the crucifix from her necklace.
'You have to help her.'
The man remained stunned. Because he believed it all. He heard it in Ruby's yells. He saw it in Lorraine's eyes.
'Alright. Bring her to the back.'
With a few polite words, he made all the people leave the church and called a few other priests.
They needed help with this.
Lorraine was about to step away and make a short prayer for the girl and the ones who were connected to her, when something grabbed her forearm.
Ruby's nails cut through her skin painfully, no matter how much she tried to pull away.
'It's your fault!' the demon's vice screamed. 'It's your fault! It's your fault!'
The sound became unbearable and Lorraine stepped back faster, covering her ears.
It wasn't her fault. She was fixing all of it. She had helped her.
It was just the demon.
'You are not getting under my skin, demon,' the girl whispered.
But fear coiled around her lungs. Forced fear.
When she touched the marks from her forearms, she saw Adam falling to the ground. Then, Ed holding back Ruby and touching her gently to place her on the ground. When he thought it was over.
Then, despite the darkness, her eyelids fell heavily and she collapsed on the ground.

Meant to be|Ed and Lorraine Warren fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now