Works Hard for the Money

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After that night with Prince, I couldn't get what he said about him seeing me again out of my head. He seemed sincere but, for all I know he could be lying and just said it to make me feel like I'm important. For one  night together. Or he probably did this type of thing to every woman that he's ever been with. But who am I to judge? He's a sinner just like me.

Today is a regular day from yesterday and our schedule is back to normal. Everyone is coming into work today and the building should be running smoothly while I'm away for the day. Need to do some more marketing and help plan for my meeting with the staff later on tonight.

Right now, I'm going to nearest area where there are people in public, of all ages, but specifically women and/or couples. As I head to the bench to tie my shoes, I get approached by no one other person but, Naomi. Dressed in a red tracksuit, high ponytail and black and white shoes. She's still running in place for some odd reason and there is barely anyone here.

"Hey there, Raynella! What are you doing here?" Here we go. I smiled back and said my greeting.

"Hey Naomi, I'm just the park." I said sarcastically.

"You know, we missed you at the party. We had a good amount people there. Some old and new people." While stretching beside her, a tall slender man came up to me and didn't say a word to me. I kindly asked him why he was just standing there, staring at me.

"You know, Raynella. I have got to congratulate you. I didn't think you had it in you. But having a business for this long, still standing? Impressive."

"Thank you."

"Well, obviously it must be hard for you. You know how it is, employees, equipment, IRS-" I cut her off midsentence.

"Wait, what? IRS?"

"I'm going to go. Maybe you could, invite your friend to my next party, even though you won't be there." She said sarcastically. She smirks at me and jogs away, leaving me alone with the stranger.

"Hi." I said to man shyly.

"Are you Raynella Carter?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly as he took something out of his suit pocket.

"Owner of Raynella's Sensualities?" He asked. I nodded my head again.

"Good. I'm sorry to do this but, you're being served." He stated.

Hold on. Did he just say served?!

"Excuse me?" I asked him by accepting the papers. By looking over the paperwork, turns out, that I'm being served by the IRS! It stated that I haven't paid my taxes back since I first started my business in Philly.

"I'm sorry sir, there has to be some mistake. I closed down my shop for a about a year ago and-"

"No ma'am, apparently you haven't paid for your taxes in Philly, with your shop, Raynella's Sensualities and that amount is over 50,000 dollars in back taxes ."

50, what?!


I arrived at the shop and saw that everyone was doing their usual duties for the day. Aubrey noticed me while checking a customer in and I motioned for her to meet me in my office, immediately. We went into my office and closed the door to make sure that no one would enter.

"What's going on? Why are you in a sudden distress mode?" Aubrey asked concerned. Pacing back and forth, I am trying to get my words together for the life of me.

"The IRS! They found my location . I owe them, a lot of money and if I don't pay them back within the next 60 days, I could go to jail!"

"Owe money?! For what?!" She asked.

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