A Plan

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The moon shone like a beacon in the velvet sky, throwing its light upon the crew who rested on the deck whilst their captain was partying on the docks. The Queen Anne's Revenge bobbed in the water gently as the sea foam decorated the ship's sides. We heard the music coming from inside the bars where the captain was undoubtedly getting drunk and trying to entertain the ladies.
I lay on the deck, near the wheel and stared at the moon. I moved my hand to my back, where a fresh gash was trying to heal and I cringed at the sharp pain.
Dorian sat on the bench beside me, and cradled his arm, where a large purple bruise was forming. He held an old piece of paper and read it.
"What's that?" I said, sitting up and wincing.
"Just the bounty for the Prince." He said, his face impassive. "It's been so long, I don't think we're ever going to get him."
When Dorian came on the boat I decided to have a mission with him that would determine our future. Call it our dream if you will. Luckily, we found a bounty when we snuck off the ship whilst we were docked, for a missing Prince Theodore, who was captured by bandits or pirates or thieves. The reward was £10,000. It was more money than we had ever seen in our lives, so instantly we became hooked on the idea of finding him and returning him. However, as the years passed our hopes of finding him slimmed, and we almost forgot about it.
"Don't say that." I said, moving to sit beside him. I took the page and looked at the drawing. The young boy was beaming. His cheeks were full and his eyes gleamed. On his head there was a crown, slightly too big for him. He looked like a sweet guy. "We just haven't had the right chances."
I moved to the steering wheel, and put my hand on it, looking out into the far distance.
Dorian shook his head. "It's not possible anymore, we've met nearly every pirate ship there is and he's never there. Maybe if we had a different captain he'll let us have a bit more freedom and we could actually look harder and maybe find him, but that'll never happen!" He exclaimed and sat down on the bench, defeated.
I, however, remained standing. I took the wheel in my hands as an idea came to my head. A very dangerous idea.
"You're right." I said slowly, a smile forming on my face.
"What?" He said.
"Dorian I need you to help me break into the captain's quarters. I need some new clothes."
Dorian stared at me as I walked out of the captain's room and onto the deck.
From the captain's bedroom I had found a lot of female clothing, no doubt from his nights after docking. They were all very tight and uncomfortable, but they did the job. As I passed his mirror I nearly jumped at my reflection. I no longer looked like Hunter, that was for sure. I pulled my hair out from under my bandana and tucked the bandana in my dress.
Dorian didn't know what to say. He stared for a bit, then finally said, "are- are you sure about this?"
"Definitely." I said, my voice breaking a little bit. I walked across the deck and stumbled with the heeled shoes I had found. They weren't like my pirate boots, the heels were much thinner and a lot less steady. Dorian jumped and caught me before I fell on face.
"Thanks." I murmured, going a bit red. "I'm not used to this."
"Me neither." He said also going slightly red.
I moved to the plank connecting the boat with the mainland, and gave Dorian one last look. "If this all goes well, we'll lead a different life from now on." I said, reassuring his anxious face.
"And if not-" he said.
"Then you'll probably have to lead the same life without me." I said and grimaced.
"Right." He said. "Good luck."
I nodded and continued on.
After the fourth bar, I finally found him. Amongst the smoke and pungent smell of alcohol, Blackbeard sat back on a chair while heavily made-up ladies crooned over him. He told them stories of how he slated this and stole that, and he received a chorus of "No! Really?" And "how brave!" And "you poor thing!"
It made me gag. However I saw what I was missing. All the ladies had bright red lips and flushed cheeks. Their eyes were covered in black powder and their dresses were pulled so far down you could see their breasts.
Another woman was walking towards Blackbeard, equally made-up, so I put my hand out and stopped her.
"Where'd you get that powder?" I asked pointing to her eyes, "and how'd you make your lips so red?"
The woman stared at me, disgusted, and pushed passed, heading towards Blackbeard.
"Fine." I said and looked around me. In the corner of the bar was a fireplace, and at a nearby table a lady held a looking glass while she scrutinised her face. She moved from her table pocketing the glass. This was my chance.
I moved swiftly passed Blackbeard and bumped into the oncoming lady.
"Watch it!" She hissed, and I apologised. Moving further I put the looking glass I had just stolen and went to the fireplace. There I grabbed a handful of soot and backed into the corner. Using the looking glass I carefully applied the black soot to my eyelids, mirroring the ladies. Then I pulled out from under my dress the concealed dagger. Bracing myself I made a cut on my finger. The blood dripped from it, and I dabbed it on my face, turning my sallow cheeks into rosy ones. Cutting deeper, I used the blood to make my lips a dark red.
I put the knife away and stood straight. Copying the other women's walk and poise I made my way to the captain. As I approached he eyed me up and stopped talking to the slim redhead.
"And who might you be, my darling?" he said grinning, as he took a swig from his bottle.
I giggled as I leant over towards him. "I'm just a girl not worthy of Captain Blackbeard's attention." I pretended to blush.
"Is that right?" He said, his lips turning into a foul smile. "I thing you're wrong m'dear. You're very worthy, such a gorgeous wench as you." His hand went under my chin as he tipped my face up to meet his. It took everything in me not to grab his pistol and shoot him. I forced a smile.
Then his face changed. "Have I seen you before?" He asked turning my face over in his hand.
"No sir." I said, "I'm a nobody."
He grinned more. "Very good."
I took the opportunity. "Is it true you have a ship captain?" I looked innocently at him. He laughed and stood up.
"Would you like to see?" He said raising his eyebrows suggestively. "My cabin's rather big..."
I pretended to be entranced. "Yes please sir."
All the other girls began to realise what was happening.
"No honey don't go!" One yelled.
"Take me with you too!" Cried another.
"Sorry ladies," he said as he went for the door, grabbing my waist. "Only one tonight." And he looked down at me like a wolf looks at a lamb.
I gulped. "Aviva what have you done now?"

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