A Plot

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We had to figure out what to do next. We were headed for London, and, despite how much I now wanted to, I couldn't really hand Ryder in. To turn the ship around would risk a lot of questions, and disappointed pirates. I couldn't tell them the real reason, or they might hand Dorian in. So we had to continue on. But now we needed to get £10,000 without handing anyone in.

Dorian and I sat next to each other on my bed, both of us lost in thought, holding hands.

"What if we steal from the palace?" Dorian suggested, the idea making him smile. "There's lots of gold there."

"Too big and too risky." I put my head on his shoulder. "We need a lot of time to prepare for that, and a much larger and more skilled crew."

I looked out of the small window that revealed nothing but glistening ocean.
"What if we stole the king and asked for money in return?" I asked.

"Too hard a plan to execute. He's constantly guarded." Dorian said tracing my palm with his  finger.

I fell into a daydream, when I shook myself awake, I found myself staring at the portrait of the king. God, if what Dorian had said was true, then this man was a truly awful king. How anyone could do that to their son, to ignore and hate and eventually frighten away, was beyond me. I felt so much anger towards the man that I wanted him to pay. I wanted him to regret how he had treated the man I loved. I wanted him to look at Dorian and think "I wish I had loved you."

That was when the idea came into my head. "Dorian?" I asked.

"Mhmm?" He trailed his fingers through my hair.

"How would you feel about seeing your father again?" I asked.

"What?" He looked at me as though I was mad. "Did you not hear my speech?"

"I did that's why I'm asking."

"You're not making any sense."

"What if when we got to London, you returned to your father?"

He looked at me, hurt. "Are you going to hand me in Aviva?"

"Of course not!" I laughed. "I want you to make your father pay. You can get your revenge."

"I like that." Dorian grinned and kissed my cheek. "What do you suggest we do?"

"I suggest we get married." There was a pause.

"Umm..." Dorian seemed confused. "I told you that we can't. I can't hand over an awful and horrible kingdom to you."

"Not if you're banished." I said smiling. I enjoyed teasing him.

He tried to see where I was going. "I don't get it."

"What if," I said and held his face in my hands, "we went back to London, and you returned to your father. You tell him that you have been living in France and are to be married to a French princess, but you need his blessing."


"You then introduce me, as said French princess. The union between France and England is too great an opportunity to miss that he's bound to agree. He won't know I'm Devilsblood, as they all believe he's a guy."


"We get married, there in London, and then I reveal myself to be Devilsblood. We run off together."

"Right..." Dorian was smiling.

"Then when the king realises that he's just married his son to a pirate he'll banish you, leaving the kingdom and fortune to another royal. We're married and without the responsibility, and you get to piss off your abusive father!"

Dorian thought a minute, an excited expression on his face. "Yes. We could do that alright."

"Great!" I said, and jumped off of the bed. "I'll alert the crew."

"A couple of things Aviva." Dorian stopped me. "We need it to be foolproof."


"First of all, what about my disappearance? I can't just show up out of nowhere and pretend nothing happened."

"True." I thought. "We could say that you left on a ship to go explore the world. You came to France and stayed there. You sent him letters every month but you received no reply, so you eventually stopped sending them."

"He'd probably be so glad to have his heir back he won't really be mad as to why I left." Dorian nodded. "That could work. When he tells us that he never received any letters I'll tell him there were probably interfered by pirates or something like that. It could also explain the hatred I have for him, as I never received anything back."

"Yes, yes, this is going well."

"Another thing. How will my father know you're the French princess? You'll need someone to pose as your father, and you'll need to have reasons for being a princess."

"Well we have enough gold to prove the wealth of a princess. Levi can pretend to be my father and I can speak french well, because you taught me. I suppose we could say that I'm not the sole heir to the french kingdom but I am a distant rich cousin. It's still an unmissable union."

"I agree. My father's dumb enough too, to fall for it all. But there's still the question of the £10,000."

"Well if your father doesn't provide money as a wedding present then we could always tell the crew to pickpocket all the rich guests. There's bound to be lots of lords and ladies, it'll be the wedding of the lost prince!"

"Great!" He kissed me with excitement. "This could work! We could get married!"

"I know!" I said, bouncing slightly. "I'm so happy for us!"

We jumped around like children. I was so glad I could finally love Dorian the way I had always wanted to.
Dorian looked at me and was so glad that he was able to marry the person he met ten years ago and fell in love with. And he got to have revenge on his father like he had always wanted to.

"Come on now." He said, out of breath, his eyes sparkling. "We have a wedding to plan!"

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