A Mutiny

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"Behold her majesty!" Blackbeard yelled as he boarded the ship. "The Queen Anne's Revenge!"
The crew all jumped at his voice and scurried like rats off the deck and to positions. Dorian looked out from the rigging at me. I held up my skirts as I moved up the plank to the ship. I looked at him. He looked back at me worriedly.
"Come here," Blackbeard said, and pulled me into the captain's quarters. He closed the door behind him and went towards the bed. I was worried he would notice the missing clothes but he never did.
"Before we do anything." I said, careful to keep the fear out of my words, "why not have some more fun?" And I pointed to the rum on the table.
He chuckled. "I like your thinking." And he took a mighty swig from the bottle, then offered some to me. I took a large swig too, forgetting my lady manners. He stared. "I ain't never seen a girl drink like that!" He exclaimed.
I stood still, fearful he would smell me out. But he laughed and then said, "I like you! Now c'mon" and pointed towards the bed.
"Why- why here? Why not try somewhere else. Say- the deck?" I suggested.
He looked again at me, trying to figure me out. Luckily he was quite drunk, so he shrugged and agreed.
He stumbled out the door, and pulled me by the arm to the bench by the steering wheel.
Dorian watched with fear as we sat down.
Blackbeard moved in to kiss me, and as he did, I struck.
I grabbed his arm and kicked him off of the bench and onto the floor. I pulled his arm behind him and pushed it so that it broke. He yelled and I called out to the ship. "Crew of The Queen Anne's Revenge!" An uncertainty travelled about the ship as the crew emerged. "Come! See your captain!"
Blackbeard tried to move and stab me with his free arm, but I dodged and kicked away the knife. My calling was Dorian's signal, and he ran to the port side and pushed the plank away, sending the ship out to sea.
"All of you know me, though you do not recognise me." I called as the ship drifted from the land. "You may know me as Hunter, your crew mate, and that is true, I am your crew mate, however my name is Aviva. My father was Jack and my mother was Celeste. I have lived on this boat all my life and this man" (I kicked him) "has been my captain all my life. I refuse to bow down to him any longer!"
The crew were watching eagerly, their faces full of surprise.
I grabbed Blackbeard by the hair and dragged him to the top of the staircase. The crew watched from the bottom.
"For years you have done nothing but abuse us. We can't sleep or eat well, we're constantly working and how dare we ever ask for anything such as a skin in winter." I spat at him. "You've got a room to yourself and a bathing area. All the treasure we steal for you lies in your room, and we never see a coin of it. Well I say no more!"
"Argh!" The crew yelled, getting excited.
"This ship needs a change!" I yelled
"A better life!"
"ARGH!" They screamed, shoving their swords and cutlasses into the air. Dorian was at the front, his long sword piercing the air.
"I, Aviva, do hereby call a mutiny, in the name of the crew of the Queen Anne's Revenge!" I called out to the ship. The wind blew through the sails and the ship spurred on. "And when I take place as Captain of this ship, I pledge to let my crew have the best of lives that pirates can have!"
"Today marks a new day!" I spoke, pointing to the sun rising on the horizon. The crew hung on to my every word. Blackbeard groaned as I held his hair in my hand. I kicked him again. "Any last words?" I said, my voice low and menacing. I pulled out my dagger and put it against his neck.
The atmosphere was unsettling as the whole ship waited for Blackbeard to speak. With as much hatred as he could muster he looked at me, taking in my power over him. He breathed in through his nose and spoke with distaste. "It's bad luck to bring a woman on the ship."
I looked at him and nodded my head. "Well," I said, "it was for you."
And I moved my dagger swiftly across his neck.

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