A Stone

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The walls moved like the sea that we had just left, as the treasure reflected the moonlight that burst in through the ceiling. There was no mist in here, unlike the ocean. Instead the sheer velocity of light and energy cut through the air and pushed its way into the backs of our eyes, so that we could clearly remember this picture for the entirety of our lives.

As I had mentioned, there was a gleaming stone in the centre of the room. It wasn't all that different from the rest of the jewels littering the cave floor, but you could tell it was the most important. The rest of the treasure seemed to watch it, submissive as though they knew they were not as great, the same way that a room full of lords and ladies would regard a royal that was present in the same room.

There was something pulsing through the cave, as though invisible ribbons were winding their way around, branching out to touch everything. I felt as though if I listened hard enough, I could hear them vibrating as they moved past my ear. It definitely came from the important emerald stone.

I stood still for a minute transfixed by the beauty of the cove. The rest of my crew stared with the same astonishment.
"It's-it's-" started Levi, the treasure reflecting in his eyes.

"Beautiful" finished Dorian breathlessly. And, as though pulled in by a current, he began to move towards the emerald stone. I put out my hand to stop him, and another to stop the rest of the crew from following.

"It may be beautiful," I said, eyeing the stone. "But that doesn't stop it from being dangerous." I pulled out my dagger. Near my foot was a ruby crystal. Using my weapon I gently nudged the crystal, preparing for an explosion. When nothing came, I continued to poke and prod until eventually plucking up the courage to take it in my hand. After a couple more tries of this circus act with other various treasures, I deemed it safe enough to raid. Like dogs that watched their owner make their food, trying to resist the temptation of jumping ahead and stealing it, the crew waited eagerly for me to give the order.

"You may pilage." I said with a bow.

Like an arrow shot from a bow, the crew bolted into the sea of treasure. Some cried with happiness, others weighed themselves down with armour- it was carnage.

"Attention!" I yelled. The crew stopped what they were doing, mid theft.  "You may take what you want." I said with a warning tone, "but no one touches that emerald stone" (I pointed at the obvious) "for there is a power that it generates that is not of this world. I do not want to risk losing a crew member to such a foolish move."

The crew looked at me as if to say "okay mother" and then continued on. I rolled my eyes. Pirates.

I knelt down to pick up the ruby crystal and turned it over in my hand, admiring it. "...Aviva Devilsblood...." I leapt back up and looked around me wildly. There had been a voice, certainly not human that had called my name. I looked at the crew to see their reaction. They all moved about as though they had heard nothing. But how couldn't they have? It was extremely clear.

"...Aviva Devilsblood...." There it came again. It was clear but quiet. It spoke my name as though it were making a decision.  A decision I had no idea about.

It was at this point Dorian noticed my face. "Dear God Aviva are you alright?" He said worriedly. I didn't know how to reply. My skin was drained of colour and I'm pretty sure my face held a picture of pure terror.

Suddenly it felt as though the ribbons in the room began to twist around, tying into knots and wrapping themselves around stalagmites.

"...Aviva..." the cave began to shake slightly. I was right about the ribbons. Little bolts of green fire ran through the room, in the patterns of the ribbons. They were trying to find something. They shot out from the emerald stone like lightning, cracking on impact.

"Everybody out!!" I yelled, panicking. The crew saw what was happening in the room and made a break for it. They clambered through the entrance and returned to the boat. I stayed back, making sure that everyone got out and no one was left behind. All that were left were Alex and Dorian. Dorian made sure Alex got out first, then stayed so I could go ahead.

"Go!" I called, pulling out my sword to defend us.

"No!" He yelled. "You first!"

"...Aviva..." the voice called again, this time with certainty. It knew what it needed.

A bolt of emerald fire shot once more and headed for our direction. I prepared to defend with my sword, and ricocheted the bolt elsewhere.
Without warning, however, as soon as I had moved my sword to reflect the first bolt, the second one came. I knew what was happening and by then it was too late.
The bolt struck me hard in my chest. I felt the fire run into my skin, deep into my chest and through my heart. It continued to push through me, into every cell and hair, burning with energy. With every cell I felt it call out my name in a mocking tone.
The green energy consumed me, and in a fit of pain I collapsed to the ground.
I writhed on the floor until I couldn't take it anymore. With a final breath I looked at Dorian who was crouched beside me, distressed and shouting.
I blacked out.

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