An End

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Dorian took his new role as second-in-command very seriously. When he wasn't discussing routes with me or charting maps by the wheel, he was down with the crew, easing their concerns and keeping up their spirits. On top of that he still taught Alex how to fight and looked after Henry. James had been right about him, he was the perfect guy for the job.

I continued my duties- steering (of course), marking out plans, discussing ship repairs, and keeping the crew in place. I also looked after Henry and sometimes if Dorian had his hands full I taught Alex sword fighting (I was a way better teacher I'm sure). Luckily, since having Henry, Dorian and I were excused from cooking. (Although I think in my case the reason wasn't just Henry- I never quite understood the difference between raw and cooked fish)

On a drizzly Sunday morning, the boat stood still, just like I had promised years ago. I sat with the crew in their sleeping deck as Jacob dealt out cards. Jacob had joined the crew about five years ago and taught us how to play cards. He was so good at all the games, and so fast that it was rare we actually let him play. But the weather was grey and the boat was still so we came together under the deck to bet our gold on cards. Everyone was here, even Henry, who was passed around as each pirate cooed over him in turn.

"Shall we get started?" Jacob said in his strong Scottish accent, "I was thinking Cribbage? Or Piquet?"

We glanced at each other as we knew immediately what he would choose. "Your choice Jacob." George said grinning.

"Oh alright then." He said, with the air of someone who was faking being tired of deciding all the time. "Piquet it is."

We all suppressed a laugh as he dealt out the cards. Jacob's nickname was the "King of Piquet" as he was so very fond and so very good at it.

The morning passed pleasantly, as we played game after game, and lost treasure after treasure to Jacob. The crew drank their whiskeys and at one point Dorian had to quickly grab Henry before one of the crew poured a little into his mouth.

When it hit afternoon and some of the crew (including Henry) took a nap, I wandered my way up to the steering deck and looked out on to the open waters. I felt a sense of happiness overcome me. I had my family with me wherever I went, I was captain of my ship and we worked well together. Hardly any fights, health and wealth all around. The last ten years of my life had been perfect. I smiled quietly to myself.

I thought it best to make a move with the ship. The breeze was fine, not too harsh, so with the little crew that we had on deck I figured we could sail onwards without catastrophe. Telling Dorian the plan, and him announcing it to the conscious crew we set sail for the Caribbean coast.

After an hour or so, we sailed into a patch of ocean littered with large tall rocks. They were extremely big, almost mountain-like, towering over the ship.

The atmosphere had changed. I think most of the crew had felt it too, as there was now no one except Henry who lay in their beds, as we drifted through the murky rock-filled waters. They obscured our view, and blocked our path. The mist hung low, and we remained silent.

"Something doesn't feel right." Dorian muttered by my side. "I know it sounds stupid to say but it doesn't feel right."

I nodded my head and focused on not running the ship into a large rock-mound. I felt the eeriness too, and try as I might, I couldn't shake it off.

The crew hustled about the deck. With us moving so slow, there weren't really any jobs to do. George wasn't even in the nest, just mumbling something to Alex as he looked anxiously about him.

We made our way slowly through the maze. It seemed like we were going to be okay after all.

Then, as we passed the tallest of rock mountains, it all went wrong.

We didn't see the big navy ship before it was too late.
They came from the other side of the rock-mountain, where they had obviously been lying wait for us. An ambush.
Our ships were so close that I could have told you every small detail on the Admiral Canomby's jacket.

Well, I could of had it not been for the gun he was holding in his right hand.


Immediately upon seeing us, the Admiral shot seven bullets from his pistol, all of which found themselves in my chest.

There was a moment of utter shock on the ship where no one moved. Then, as I tumbled to the ground, chaos ensued.

I don't remember the pain of the bullets so much. I think I died pretty quickly in fact. I don't remember the screams of Dorian as he pressed his hands to the holes in my chest, or the cries of the crew as they knelt helplessly at my side, or the blood seeping out of the seven wounds. I do however, remember what the Admiral said, as Levi desperately threw up the sail to get us as far away as possible.

"One for each sea you've escaped me!!"Canomby called out with a laugh. "I promised I would get you Devilsblood!! I promised!!"

And then I died.

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