A Poster

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The next day I watched as Dorian went about his morning. He did nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing to suggest anything had happened last night. When he caught me looking, he waved casually, and continued on, pulling ropes and gutting fish. I watched in amazement at how he could so blatantly ignore me.

Meanwhile Ryder smiled the whole day at me, offered to help me, and listened to me when I talked about our course options. He didn't pretend to listen. He actually did; nodding and everything. And Dorian walked about the ship, saying not so much as a word to me. He was infuriating.

"You all right Captain?" Said a voice behind me, startling me. It was Levi.

"Yes, yes," I lied, shuffling maps and looking along the coastline. "Just looking at the land ahead. We could stop for a few materials."

Levi nodded, not believing me. "Jus' cause you were looking at Dorian with this strangest look on your face. You looked happy and pissed at the same time and I ain't never seen that before."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I pretended to be very concentrated on the steering wheel. "I've been focusing hard if that's what you mean. Not on Dorian I mean, I just mean, well you know what I mean, I mean that, y'know."

Levi raised an eyebrow and I cringed at my poor choice of words. He shook it off and grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to look at him. His voice changed. He sounded concerned and parental-like. "You can talk to me kid. About anything. I've known you all your life. I can tell when somethings up. There's something between you and that boy and I'll be damned if I can't find out what. I want to make sure you're okay. Talk to me. Anytime." He let go.

I smiled and laughed nervously. "No there's nothing between me and Dorian. We're all good. Nothing's wrong. Everything's fine."

"Yeah you sound darn sure." Levi rolled his eyes and walked down to the rigging. I made a mental note to talk to Dorian once I got the chance.

We docked around midnight, giving us the perfect coverage. We couldn't risk anyone getting recognised. I volunteered to go on land, as no one suspected Devilsblood to be a girl. To be a female leader in this male dominated lifestyle of piracy was my blessing and my curse.

Joining me would be Ryder. Like he pointed out, his ship wasn't well known. Last of all, Alex joined us. He was nimble and quick and could pickpocket better than anyone.

We dressed in poor coats and shirts, lest our rich clothes should give us away. I wore an old grubby dress, but the skirt was so long I could hide my sword in it without suspicion.

"Ready?" Ryder asked me. I nodded an repeated the question to Alex, who agreed, despite moving uncomfortably in his long sleeves and tight trousers. Together we left the ship.

It was the first time Ryder had been off of the ship in a long time and it took him a moment to stabilise, so used to the rocking boats. Within moments he found his legs and became entranced by the land. He ran up to market stalls, though closed this time of night and pointed out all the rich colours and cloths. He became quite excited.

As soon as Alex joined land he ran off and found things to steal. His small pixie like figure and quick feet made him an easy thief, and when he returned, he had many wallets with coins inside. I hissed at him to return some, as we had plenty of gold of our own, and he stomped off in a huff to put them back. "Kids." I muttered.

I wasn't too bothered about the land things, I had docked lots of times before, however I enjoyed the change of scenery. We eventually found a night market and bought some necessities. Things such as more plates, rope, and wax. Ryder and Alex also somehow convinced me to buy some bread and ham. "Cmon I'm sick of fish!" Alex complained while Ryder backed him up. I rolled my eyes and eventually agreed.
Before we left the vendor, I saw a poster at the back of the stall. "What's that?" I asked the salesman. He looked behind him.

"Oh that's the new wanted offer." He replied, squinting at the page. "Navy are out for some pirate guy. Apparently he killed Blackbeard and started killing loads of his majesty's navy."

"You don't say!" I said, looking interested. "Do they know his name?"

"Yeah some guy named Devilsblood I believe. Says so. Here." He pointed it out on the poster. I tried everything I could to stop myself from laughing. The poster was as far from my description as could be. You see, no one who had been at my hands had survived to tell everyone who I was. Except Ryder. But to everyone else I was a story, a tale. I liked that.

"Do you mind if I take that?" I asked sweetly.

The guy shrugged. "Go ahead. They're putting them up all over the place."

"Wonderful" I said smiling, and made to leave.

"If you don't mind me asking lady," the guy said, before I could leave.

"Yes?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"What's a lady like you gonna do with a poster like that? You're not exactly cut out for catching pirates." He gestured vaguely at me. "Not really a lady's thing to be getting caught up in tough business like that."

My nostrils flared. Ryder and Alex started shuffling, uncomfortable. Knowing I would probably lunge, Ryder grabbed my hand to stop me.

I took a couple of breaths and calmed myself down. I forced a smile on my face, and released the grip on my sword. "No of course not." I said, with a fake tone. "My husband was just hoping to catch this pirate. I, being his wife wanted nothing more than the gossip." I snatched my hand free of Ryder and walked off toward the boat, anger boiling inside of me. The boys followed quickly in pursuit.

I stormed onto the boat and went into my cabin. There I pulled off my dress and changed violently into my normal clothes. In my anger, I turned over my table, spilling the contents onto the floor. I chucked my dagger at a portrait of the King I stole for target practice. I looked at myself in the mirror, my cheeks burning and my eyes flaming.

I wanted to cry, but the tears stung my eyes, and I wouldn't release them. So many thoughts ran through my head. Dorian kissing me, the poster condemning me, Dorian ignoring me, the vendor ridiculing me, Ryder smiling at me, Levi worried about me, my reflection laughing at me, the king's portrait watching me.

So many thoughts overwhelmed me, and I felt myself fall down a long hole. My eyes flickered and everything went black.

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