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I watched the body being lowered into the ground. What else could you call it? When someone's life has gone you can hardly refer to them as a person. Their soul has departed, leaving behind only an empty shell of what was. Death didn't mean much to me anymore. The things it left behind were only memories, things I had to remember in my own brain. Staring at the dead doesn't bring them back. Neither does weeping and screaming and making deals with the devil. That body is dead. All life in it is gone. It serves no more purpose except for fertiliser to the ground. A hard thought to have but it's true. At least for me. I can't allow myself to focus on the dead. I am going to keep living, though I don't want to. It's not my choice. But I have to think of the dead as shells, not people. It helps me from getting jealous. Stops me from thinking "lucky bastards". At least this way, I can keep sane. I can move on as usual. I can live.
I have cheated Death, broken the rules. I have won and Death has lost. The only thing is- neither of us asked to play the game.

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