Chapter 19

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Nell got in the challenger as Sam started the engine.

"We need to make a stop first." she said, "LAX we have a pickup to make."

"Who?" Sam asked confused.

"Someone Callen really needs and right now and I think one of the few people he will trust." Nell replied

Sam pulled up outside the terminal and smiled as he recognized the man waiting outside.

He got out of the car and walked up to the man shaking his hand warmly.

"Agent Gibbs, it's good to see you again," He smiled.

Gibbs nodded, "It would have been good under better circumstances, Jones tells me you found my boy."

"A few weeks ago, were you not told by Hetty?"

Gibbs handed him his bag and shook his head as he climbed into the passenger seat and nodded at Nell sitting in the back.

Sam climbed in and started driving, "So you weren't informed we had found him, or that Jake has been taken?" He asked again as the challenger peeled away from the terminal.

"No...I talked to Hetty two days ago, she said that you were still looking, I know how good G is at disappearing, but for him not even to contact me for five years I knew something was wrong."

"We found him in a small town called Phelan, he'd been living in a trailer behind a diner, working as a handyman. He hadn't touched any of his savings Gibbs, they've been living below the breadline." Sam said his worry evident in his voice.

"You trying to tell me Callen neglected the kid?!" Gibbs asked incredulously.

Sam shook his head as he took the off-ramp heading to the hospital, "No...more that he gave the kid all he could with what he was earning and neglected himself, he'd lost a lot of weight, but the trailer was geared up and comfy for Jake."

"So how did you find him?" Gibbs asked.

"Deeks found him, he shot him as he took Jake from the diner. The local LEO's took G's fingerprints and he came up on our watch list."

Gibbs said nothing for a moment and then turned to look at Sam, "So...This was when?"

"About a month ago." Sam said as they pulled up outside the hospital.

"Hetty should have told me, I'm his next of kin and emergency contact." Gibbs growled.

"'re not," Nell interjected, "Hetty had herself placed as Callen's next of kin after he was shot, something about convincing him that she was closer in case of emergency...and...well, she also told him that if he died, you might not be able to cope...something about a loss you had suffered?"

"Damn!" Gibbs hit the dash of the car and Sam shot him a look of annoyance.

Gibbs climbed out and slammed the door.

"I have backstopped I.D's for us all," Nell said handing the identifications out.

Gibbs ignored her and walked towards the main doors fishing out his real credentials.

"NCIS I want to see G. Callen and his doctor right now!" he growled.

Sam shot Nell a look and they walked in behind him.

The security man behind the desk took one look at Gibbs and Sam and blanched, "I'll get Dr. Morris now." he gulped. "He's on call tonight."

Gibbs gave a curt nod and walked to the doors looking into the facility as an alarm sounded and a number of well built men ran past them.

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