Chapter 20

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Nell stopped dead as she walked around the corner, the diner just coming into view.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, right in front of her was Deeks and Jake.

"Move!" Max snapped and dragged Jake out by his collar.

Jake stumbled and fell onto the asphalt and dropped his car.

"MARTY!" Max shouted, "Move it!"

Jake tried to go back to get his car, but Max grabbed him roughly by the arm and pulled him along towards the diner.

Jake shot a sad look back at his car and hoped that it would be there when they came back.

Nell felt in her pocket hoping she had her phone, she cursed as she realized that she had actually left her phone in the motel room so she would have had to go back for it anyway.

She stopped as her hand clasped over a handful of round objects, and she smiled, the first one she took and slipped in the wheel well of the car.

Turning quickly she picked up the tin car quickly pried one side loose and slipped another round disc inside and fastened it again.

"Excuse me!" she called running after the pair.

Max turned and narrowed his eyes at the small woman hurrying after them.

"What?" He snarled.

"Your son dropped his toy car." Nell said.

Max let go of Jake, "Get it now, clumsy!" Max pushed Jake towards Nell.

"There ya go," Nell said brightly handing the toy to Jake.

Jake looked at her, he gave her a small smile.

Nell smiled back and Jake ran up to Max who grabbed him by the arm and cuffed him around the head scolding him for dropping the toy.

Nell flinched as Max's hand connected with Jake's head, Jake never said a word as they entered the diner.

Max watched as the small red-head looked through her pockets, 'probably looking for her wallet' he thought as she took her key out and headed back to the motel, then he turned to the server and ordered breakfast for himself and a stack of pancakes for Jake.

Nell walked calmly as she could away from the diner until she rounded the corner, then she broke into a run.

Callen walked out of the bathroom, his hair freshly cut and clean shaven. He dropped the blue hospital scrubs in the trash and helped himself to more coffee.

"You look like you again G." Sam said with a smile.

He gave a curt nod but didn't say anything.

"Do you have anything on Jake?" Callen asked swallowing the bitter coffee down.

"Nell's gone to call Eric and find out." Sam said.

Callen snorted derisively, "Sure she has….she'll have trouble, she's left her cell phone here."

Nell burst in through the door, "He's here!" she yelled breathlessly.

Sam turned and held her by the arms, "Breathe Nell, who's here?"

"Jake and Deeks." she coughed.

Callen laughed, "Really, you expect me to believe that they have just turned up...This is a set up isn't it, you're holding me here until she can turn up."

He slammed the coffee cup down on the counter as Sam turned to him.

"Dammit G, Hetty doesn't even know we are here, why do you think we are in a motel room rather than my house, or your house?"

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