Chapter 31

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Callen turned back and looked at Hetty.

"What do you want from me, absolute forgiveness?" He asked his voice betraying the turmoil going through him.

"I do not expect forgiveness Mr. Callen, but I would like a little understanding. I would like you to know that, yes, I made mistakes but my goal first and foremost has always been your well being." Hetty said clasping her hands together as she spoke.

Callen moved and sat in the chair across from her.

"You have kept secrets my whole life." He said his voice low as he leant towards her anger still visible on his face. "You knew me when you found me. I thought I was just lucky, but you knew exactly who I was. You could have told me about my mother then. Granted you didn't know the man you had married was my father...," he stopped and cocked his head a bit thinking. "Didn't you ever mention to my father about me?" he asked.

Hetty shook her head, "I told him I had taken in a child, but as I knew he had lost children we didn't talk more. He wasn't able to leave Russia at the time, his work was too important."

"His work?" Callen asked his curiosity overcoming his anger.

"He helped people in danger of incarceration by the state for being conscientious objectors to flee the country."

"Oh..." Callen felt deflated, this fact he had known, he was hoping there was more to it.

There was, but Hetty wasn't about to tell Callen that his father was a double agent. He didn't need to know that.

"And when you knew that the man you were married too was my father? Why didn't you tell me then?"

"You had just found the footage of your family and had been through so much those few days I couldn't tell you. You needed to rediscover your father for yourself."

"You could should have told me... I'm not a child Hetty!"

Hetty smiled sadly, "That is true and yet in a way you were my child and I worry for you. I will always worry for you."

"And if we hadn't found Jake....A...alive?" his voice cracking on the last word.

"Then I would have lived with the guilt forever and you wouldn't have had that guilt as you could have blamed me and my actions."

Callen looked at his feet, not able to look her in the eye.

"Thank you..." he mumbled.

"I don't care....I'm not staying here and you can't make me!" Deeks yelled as he threw a water jug across the room.

"Mr. Deeks...the injuries you suffered...." The doctor started arguing.

"Are minor. I know this I've had them before, I need to leave you can't keep me locked up in here...I can't do this again!" He couldn't help the tear that escaped.

The others had gone as visiting hours had ended, the more time went on the more he was reminded of the secure unit he had been locked up in. Flashbacks were coming thick and fast, he needed to get out of there.

"I will call your next of kin, we will see what we can do, but if you do not calm down Mr. Deeks we will have to sedate you."

"Over my dead body." Deeks snapped. "Gimme a phone!"

The doctor all but ran out of the room and stopped at the sight of a large African American man with a badge and a beautiful woman by his side.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"I have an uncooperative patient inside, he's threatening to leave, I was just about to call his next of kin." The doctor said feeling very harassed.

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