Chapter 15

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It had been five years since anyone had seen Callen or Jake. Sam, Kensi, Eric and Nell had looked everywhere for them, no credit card usage, not signs of Callen on any camera's or any watch lists, as Hetty had added his name to the FBI database as a person of interest.


However, Callen had seen them. On the few trips he had taken into LA he had spotted them, he'd even spent one day watching the boat-shed and had seen the two new agents who had joined the team.

Forty miles outside of LA in the small town of Phelan, Callen and Jake had settled down nicely, Callen…or Greg Carter as he was now known worked as a handyman at the diner and for the other people in the small town. Jake Carter had grown up and now at five years old he was Wanda and Bert's favorite customer.

Wanda had rented Greg and Jake the old trailer at the back of the property, Greg had found some old child's toys in the shed attached to the trailer which he had fixed up for Jake given Wanda's blessing. In return, he fixed the diner's appliances when needed free.

Wanda had taken to the young man and his son as soon as they had walked in the diner, and the first night she had been locking up when she heard him screaming in his sleep and knocked on his door before he woke his son. They had sat together until 3am, Callen not saying much and Wanda telling him about how her son had come home from leave with PTSD and how she had chatted to him to help put his demons at rest.

Greg never talked much the first month there, but slowly he came to trust this nice old couple, he had to admit they reminded him of a few of the nicer foster parents he had had. Jake had trusted Wanda instantly and became a hit with the old couple, Wanda had made him a birthday cake every year and had taught Callen how to throw a party for the boy, when Greg had come to her explaining he had never done it before and had no idea how to throw a birthday party.

Instead of ridiculing him as he expected she sat him down and made a list of what Jake liked and what he did not like, the names of the few boys he had made friends with at Kindergarten. Greg, Wanda and Bert planned it and Jake's first birthday was in Callen's opinion the best party he had ever seen.

In addition, Jake grew in those five years like a weed.

Max had pulled off the biggest robbery the LAPD has ever seen. Over ten million dollars in cocaine went missing, and Lt. Stimpson was found dead at the scene.

The manhunt spanned over 10,000 men and Marc and Max Giamatti disappeared from sight that day and with no evidence neither the FBI nor NCIS or the LAPD had enough evidence to prove it was them.

They took their haul, exchanged it for the guns from Romanov, sold all but one and were out of the country with 20 million dollars by sunrise that day.

Even Max could not believe the ease at which they pulled off their plan, as they relaxed in their new home in Italy, they had purchased a huge villa.

Max had hired over forty private detectives in Los Angeles to find out where his son was, there was no information from any of them for years although he knew they had been working hard to find out where.

Each day that passed Max's hatred of Callen and fury at the loss of his son grew.

Then he got a call, he smiled as he listened to the news, "We are on our way." He said and put the phone down.

Sam and Kensi had built a new team, Hetty was still operations manager and she too was looking for Callen, having Eric run a program looking for him in the background of every case they ran.

For months Kensi and Sam had been partners, they still were but the team did not run as cohesively.

They were good, that had not changed but the seamless way they worked, the total trust, apart from at work it was not there.

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