Chapter 37 The End

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A week before Callen and Joelle's wedding, Kensi had been with Deeks as they opened the new shelter and pro bono law offices of Marty Deeks.

Sam, Michelle, Hetty and the rest of the team had turned up Roger Bates and Jeff Versey had both been there in support of Deeks' newfound law career as well.

Kensi leaned against her husband as they sat in chairs on a podium and their local councillor told the waiting press and assembled dignitaries about how Mr. Deeks and his wife had decided to help the local community by personally rebuilding and financing the shelter for abused and battered women and children, then adding the law offices to it. Kensi looked slightly tired as she rubbed her heavily pregnant stomach.

"You ok?" Deeks whispered to her.

Kensi nodded, "Braxton Hicks, don't worry." She shot him a slightly strained smile.

Caroline sitting on the other side of her next to Jeff leaned over "You alright guys?" she asked.

Deeks nodded, "Just the baby practicing again." He smiled and turned his attention back to the speaker who was just announcing him.

"...So, finally you get to hear from the man who made this dream a reality, Mr. Martin Deeks Attorney at Law..."

The crowd clapped as Deeks got up and walked to the podium.

"A few years ago I was in a bad place,I needed help and got it, the results of which you see today. I have always wanted to help those who had helped me when I was a child, you see I have been where some of these families who come here for help have found themselves, I..." Deeks stopped as there was a loud gasp from behind him. "Kens?"

"Deeks my water just broke!"

Deeks turned back and grinned, "Saved by the baby. Ok, I'm gonna go and become a father, this place is now open, please enjoy the open house today, there are staff on hand to answer any questions you might have."

He turned to his mother, "did you call an ambulance?" He asked as the press clamored for questions and Jeff and Roger helped out fielding them as Deeks turned to the matter at hand.

Early the next morning 7lb 10oz Maisy Jane Deeks was born. Deeks was thrilled at the shock of dark brown hair she had.

"Kens' she's beautiful." he said as he held his daughter and his wife rested. He sent Callen a text message so he could let Jake know when he was ready but knew he was getting ready for his wedding and that having let Wanda and Hetty help the wedding Callen was preparing for was far larger than the small Justice of the peace ceremony Deeks and Kensi had opted for a month after they had found out she was expecting.

He had looked at Kensi in her flower print dress and then had thought she couldn't get more beautiful. He was wrong. Looking at her now, still plastered in sweat and having just given birth to their daughter, she was more beautiful than he had ever seen.

"Everything is finally perfect." he sighed looking down at the small bundle in his arms, he took out his cell phone and snapped a picture sending it off Callen for her big brother, he hoped one day in the future they could meet.

Kensi closed her eyes, smiling as she realised she was now both a wife and a mother, she reached out her hand finding Deeks', be here when I wake?" she asked.

He smiled and kissed her hand, "Always." He promised.

The day of the wedding dawned bright and clear.

Jake woke up first, slipping out of bed to go and check on his little brother as he slept and he took Scrat outside to relieve himself.

He squealed as his father grabbed him and twirled him around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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