Chapter 22

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Callen looked over at Nell with a look of barely disguised panic.

"Jake...Jake son, it's Daddy...can you talk?" He asked.

Jake opened his mouth a few times and then shook his head.

Callen had a sick feeling of dread wash over him and settle in his solar plexus. From his own childhood he remembered kids being this traumatized, he himself had been one of them.

Nell caught Callen's eye and nodded to his unspoken request for a doctor and went in search of him.

"'s ok son, you're safe now. I'm gonna ask you some yes or no questions so you only have to nod or shake your head, you ok with that?"

Jake nodded and buried his head in his father's side.

"Did the man that you were with...Max...did he hurt you?" Callen asked.

Under his arm he watched as Jake nodded not moving his face from the safety of his father's chest. Callen's gut clenched and he bit his inside lip.

"Did he touch you...anywhere he shouldn't?" Callen held his breath awaiting the reply.

Jake shook his head and Callen let out a huge breath he had been holding and rolled his eyes to the ceiling in a silent prayer of thanks.

"Do you know what happened to the other man who was with you?" Callen asked.

Jake shuddered and buried his face deeper into his father's chest. With a start Callen realized he was silently sobbing.

He rubbed his hand up and down his son's back making comforting noises until Jake fell asleep in his arms.

Nell and the doctor walked in to see him slowly rocking his son against his chest, whispering promises that he would never leave and that Jake was safe.

She smiled and the doctor walked quietly up to the father and knelt down,

mindful of the sleeping child he kept his voice low."Miss Jones said you wanted to talk to me?" he asked.

"Jake...he can't talk did there something wrong?" Callen asked.

"I would say it's shock, I understand he was kidnapped?"

Callen nodded.

"In fact from what I've been told you were both put through the wringer, I wonder if I may examine you as well, I talked to your last doctor he said he was still concerned about your wounds."

Callen looked worried but Nell smiled at him reassuringly, "It's ok G, let him look, you won't have to leave Jake."

Callen nodded and shifted slightly not waking his son, "It's a bit sore but it feels ok."

The doctor looked at it and smiled, "It's healing well, As for Jake I have a child therapist that I would like to work with him, he's not well known and he treats adults more than children now, but he is the best in his field, his name is Dr, Getz I asked him to consult if you would be agreeable to that?"

Callen jumped and quickly stilled as Jake shifted in his arms, "Nate Getz?" he asked.

The doctor smiled, "You've heard of him, that's good. He used to be a first rate child psychologist, then he was moved to work for the government...I talk to him occasionally, but I think he would be perfect for your son Mr. Carter."

Callen smiled, "Me too, when is he getting here?"

There was a knock on the door and a familiar face peeked around the corner, "I'm looking for a Jake Carter?"

All the way home.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora