Chapter 10

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Max took the knife he'd taken when Marty was in the break room and held it to Rachel's throat.

"You're getting me out of here, right now, I want my son and I'm going to get a free ride out of here." He snarled.

"Max, you won't get away with this you are in a federal building, you won't even make it out of the door." Rachel warned him, "You need to give yourself up; you won't be able to look after Jake if you're dead."

"MARTINO!" Max shouted pulling her closer to him, "His name is Martino…I wanna see him now." He moved towards the door, and nudged Rachel so she'd open it.

She did so with her eyes closed praying that someone in the other room had alerted Gibbs and his team.

The door opened and Max stood there face to face with Gibbs, DiNozzo, Bishop and McGee all pointing their guns at him.

"Give it up Giamatti, you're not getting away. Let Dr. Cranston go." Gibbs said.

Max laughed, "You really think I'm that stupid? I let her go and you shoot me…or would you…remember your agent is in here too, or was Deeks right, he'd just a cop…would you shoot him?" Max taunted.

"Not a member of my team." Gibbs snarled back, "You need to see your son, what means more to you Giamatti?"

"I want my boy!" Max yelled, Rachel wincing as Max pulled on her hair.

Abby and Callen came up the hallway, Callen guarding Jake and protecting Abby at the same time.

"Deeks?" Callen raised his gun at his friend.

"I want my boy Callen, and I want out of here, I don't care who I kill to do it, you stole my son."

"You gave him to me; you wanted me to adopt him." Callen said, "Let the doctor go."

Max moved the knife and Rachel screamed as a single shot rang out.

Callen looked shocked as Gibbs' gun still smoking was handed to McGee, "Box that, DiNozzo find that doctor, Bishop, take notes." Gibbs ordered as Rachel turned and checked on Deeks.

"He's alive, but you shot him in the neck?" She said, holding her hand over a wound that was rapidly bleeding.

Dr. Strohl came running up the corridor, "What happened?" He asked.

"I shot him." Gibbs said as the doctor started patching up his wound.

Max lay on the floor; he was unconscious not just because of his wound, which was still leaking badly but also because he hit his head on the way down.

The paramedics arrived and took him off to the hospital, "As soon as he's stable we need to have him transferred to a secure facility." Rachel said.

"Should be jail…" DiNozzo snapped. Gibbs put his hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down Tony." Gibbs said.

"He nearly killed Rachel!" DiNozzo snapped.

"Max nearly killed Rachel Tony, but Deeks is still in there." Callen said watching as the paramedics took him away.

"You think this Deeks is really worth saving?" Tony asked.

Callen looked at the man he considered a brother, "Tony, Deeks is as much a member of my family as you are, and I've never had any problems saving your skinny butt!" he grinned.

Tony looked behind him, "You really think its skinny?" he asked.

Callen laughed knowing that Tony was just trying to diffuse the tension. He turned back to Abby who had taken Jake into a side room as the gunshot went off.

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