Chapter 25

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The diner was busy as they pulled up and Callen smiled as he undid Jake's safety belt and let him out running towards the diner.

As they entered Wanda turned and gasped.

"Oh my lord!" she exclaimed dropping her notepad and crouching down on the floor as Jake ran into her arms.

"Auntie Wanda!" Jake cried as he wrapped his arms around her and cried.

"Jake?!" Bert called from the back and knocked over a stack of pans in his haste to get to the little boy.

The diners looked on in confusion as their waitress burst into tears and hugged the child.

She looked up and wiped her eyes, "Greg? You found him!" she moved and walked over and pulled him into a hug.

Callen moved into the hug, much to Gibbs' surprise, "I missed you Wanda. Jake's fine, he wasn't hurt too much and he'll be ok...Is it ok if we come home?" he asked worried that after all that had transpired as he had left that maybe Bert and Wanda wouldn't want them anymore.

Wanda cried and held on tighter, "You are as good as our son Greg, you will always be welcome here. After you left, I locked up your trailer, you left the key in the door." she reached around her neck and took out a small gold chain with the key for the trailer hanging on it.

Taking the key off she held it out to him and then turned to the five people in the diner. "Your bills are on me today, my son has come home and found our grandson who was kidnapped." she said tears flowing freely.

The patrons in the diner applauded and Wanda sat Callen, Jake and Gibbs in an empty booth, "Order what you want, you still look hungry son."

Callen smiled, "Thanks Ma."

Jake looked up at Wanda, "Are you and Uncle Bert my Grandma and Grandpa now?" He asked.

Wanda crouched down and tousled his blond shaggy hair. "Would you like to be?" she asked looking at Callen for support who nodded and smiled.

"Yes please Grandma!" Jake launched into her locking his arms around her waist, "I love you Grandma!" he announced.

Choruses of 'Aww' went around the diner.

Wanda smiled, "So, pancakes and chocolate Ice cream for my grandson, Your usual Greg?" she asked and Callen nodded.

"Thanks Ma." he smiled and moved back as Wanda looked at the man with Callen.

"And you Mr....."

"Grandma, this is Uncle Jetrow he's my new uncle, he knew Daddy from a long time ago...from when there were Gruffalo's." He said somberly; he had been thinking about this for a long time.

Gibbs laughed. "I don't think Daddy is that old kid."

Jake looked at him and shook his head, "But uncle Jetrow, Daddy is OLD!"

All three of them laughed at that as Wanda went to hand the order into Bert.

A few hours later, after eating and talking with Bert and Wanda, Callen and Gibbs drove the car around the back and Callen carried a sleeping Jake into the trailer.

Gibbs looked at the small dwelling but said nothing as he dropped his bag down and followed as Callen lay a sleeping Jake down in his room.

"It's very colorful." Gibbs remarked at the patchwork paint job.

"Leftover paint from jobs. but Jake loves it." Callen said quietly as he closed the door and moved out to the kitchen. "Coffee?" he asked.

Gibbs nodded as Callen filled up and switched on the machine. "Where to you sleep?" he asked looking at the other door.

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