Chapter 9

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Gibbs stepped outside with the others leaving Deeks with his head down on the desk in the interrogation room.

"You can't charge him." Rachel said, "He isn't fit to stand trial."

Gibbs nodded; he actually agreed with her, "That's not my only problem." He said looking through the glass as the detective in the other room, "The one thing his two adult personalities agree with is the fact that they didn't shoot Agent Dickenson. I'm thinking there was another shooter that night," Gibbs stated.

Callen nodded, "I think you're right, I can head to MTAC and ask Eric to reanalyze the footage and see what he comes up with." He offered. "I kinda need to talk to Hetty anyway; it'll save me a phone call."

Gibbs nodded and Callen turned to Jake, "Come on squirt, let's go and see grandma." Gibbs grinned as he watched Callen head off with the baby towards the elevator.

"I really think you need to have Mr. Deeks admitted to a psychiatric facility, he needs a set of monitoring and medication." Rachel said to him.

Kensi looked over at Deeks, "Can we move him to Los Angeles, if he has to go into a facility I'd like him near family." She said.

Rachel nodded, "I think we can arrange something, I have to talk to Director Vance about releasing him though."

"I'm not sure the FBI will go for it, he did kill Gio Martinez, we have proof his voice on the tape and his confession."

"All of which he did while under the persona of Max Giamatti, Detective Deeks was not responsible for his actions." Rachel said.

"We need to help him, Agent Gibbs, you need to talk to Agent Fornell and let him know that Deeks cannot be charged for Max's crimes."

In the other room, while the others were unaware that the intercom was on, Max Giamatti smiled.

As Callen walked through the bullpen with the baby, a few of the staff smiled at him. Jake yawned unimpressed with the attention his adoptive father was getting.

"Agent Callen, I see you did not take my advice and drop young Marty junior off with my nanny this morning." Vance said.

"His name is Jake and no, I needed to try and get Deeks to want to take him back." He said honestly.

"No luck then?" Vance asked.

Callen shook his head, "He signed me all rights over to Jake and insisted I change his name, he didn't want him to have any part of his past."

"Congratulations then, you're a father." Vance said solemnly.

"We added a clause in, if Deeks is ever back to normal, and he is cleared for duty, I will hand Jake back over to him, I don't think he read that bit though." Callen added with a smile, "I'd be quite happy with being the little guys' uncle if he could go back to live with his father, I know that once Deeks comes to his senses he'll realize that Jake needs his real father, until then, I'm stepping up, looking after my team."

Vance nodded, "The Nanny will be here in an hour, if you are still agreeable to her looking after young Jake until you head back to Los Angeles?"

"Thank you sir, right now, if it's ok, I'm taking him to see his grandma." He smirked.

"Grandma?" Vance looked confused.

"Hetty." Callen clarified, Vance smiled and shook his head.

"You might not want to call her that to her face." He said walking back towards his office, "But good luck Agent Callen."

Callen laughed as he walked to MTAC and pressed his eye against the lock and entered the room.

Eric looked up as a high priority message came into OPS from Washington for Hetty.

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