Chapter 4 ~ The characters are set

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We finally reached the Mckenzie household.

The driveway had a row of willow trees on either side, as we reached up to the front of the house my gaze wandered up to take in how beautifully timeless this property truly was.

The stairs leading up to the doorway were decorated with designed hedges leading to the door, vines were creeping down and around the patio and a blanket of snow decorated the roof of the house along with the ground.

"I knew it was going to be big but I had no idea it was going to be this big" Marisol said as she parked her car.

"I know, it's kind of weird thinking about Bobby coming here for holidays honestly," I said.

She turned the car off and we got out.

"Looks like we aren't the first ones to arrive," Marisol said as she got our bags out of the car.

I looked over and saw Hope, Chelsea, Lottie and Gary and Bobby's cars. Bobby's car was covered in the most snow.

"I think Bobby has been here a while longer than the others," I said as I helped her with the bags.

"I wouldn't be too surprised, he was probably helping get the house ready," Marisol said.

We carried our bags up to the front door and rung the doorbell. With what felt like only two seconds later the door swung open and we were greeted with a very happy Chelsea.

As a maid took our bags up to our rooms Chelsea enveloped Marisol and me into an extremely tight hug.

"I've missed you guys so much," she said as she rubbed our backs.

"We've missed you too Chels," I said as I squeezed her.

Chelsea let us go and took us into a living room area. Lottie and Gary were sitting beside one another on a smaller couch holding hands, Hope was covered in an extremely fluffy blanket on a long couch and Bobby was sitting on his own in a chair. An echo of Hellos was said as Marisol and I walked into the room.

The chairs were all strategically placed around a coffee table, on the coffee table was a pot of tea, coffee and hot chocolate.

I poured myself a cup of hot chocolate and sat beside Hope, she gently rubbed my knee and smiled.

Marisol poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down beside me.

"How was your drive?" Hope asked Marisol and me.

"It honestly didn't even feel like that long," I said.

"I guess when you have great company longer trips feel tolerable," Marisol said.

I rolled my eyes and Marisol just laughed.

"How were everyone else's drives here?" I asked the others.

"It was a little lonely but I got to take my time and check out any stores I wanted to on the way without having someone complain," Hope said.

"That's always a bonus," Marisol said as she smiled at Hope.

"Well Gary is pretty scary behind the wheel but we did alright," Lottie said as she smirked a little.

Like clockwork, Gary came back at Lottie with a response.

"Look here Lozza, it's not my fault I'm not used to so much snow. I'm used to rain not snow" He said as his cheeks flushed slightly.

Just like clockwork again everyone laughed at Gary.

"My drive was okay but my boot was filled to the brim with everything for this weekends festivities so there was a bit of knocking around," Chelsea said.

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