Chapter 7 ~ The hatch

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Bobby's POV

Angela Von Krimple/Hope bent down and placed her fingers on Sam Richmond/Gary's neck.

"No pulse," She said

"He's been murdered!" I said as I took out my notebook and wrote it down.

"What are you writing partner?" Jasmine Thompson/MC said.

"The murder scene. As a journalist, I have to write down all the facts and clues. So everything about this scene could be clues to solving this case" I said.

"Good idea partner, we'll have to go over our notes later on together to see what we've got," She said winking at me before going back to writing in her notebook.

"She'll never know how much I love her but by the time this weekend is over, I'm sure she'll have some idea," I thought to myself.

I looked over Sam Richmond's body. He was laying on his stomach, his back covered in blood. I noticed a trail of blood going out of the door.

"Hey bobs, do you think I can get up now? The floor is bloody cold" Sam Richmond/Gary said.

"I mean probably but you should stay in character," I said.

An idea suddenly popped into my head.

"Hey Gary, Do you think you can come help me with something? There's this bloody pipe that's leaking in the basement" I said.

"Of course Bobs," He said.


I watched as Bobby/Elliot Parkin and Gary/Sam Richmond left the room, My eyes scanned the room looking for anything else that could be helpful to the case.

Suddenly Rosemary/Lottie, Micheal/Rahim and Marisol/Naomi came running into the room.

I raised my eyebrows at them.

"Where have you lot been?" I asked, tapping my pencil against my notebook.

"Lottie and I were just looking around outside and then Chelsea told us to come up to this bathroom. What happened?" Micheal/Rahim said.

"Who's Lottie?" I asked.

"Sorry, I meant Rosemary" Micheal/Rahim said.

"And where were you Naomi/Marisol?" I asked.

"I was looking around the rooms to see if I could find anything," Naomi/Marisol said.

"You didn't go through our stuff right?" Priya/Scarlet said

"Ah, not directly but I would like to have a private chat with you later," Marisol said.

"Well, Sam Richmond was murdered, to give you some help. He was seen laying on his back with blood all over it meaning the wound was in his back, not the front." I said.

"Hmm, interesting" Micheal said.

"Did you see anything Scarlet?" I asked.

"Unfortunately no, one minute Sam and I are joking about old times and the next thing I know the lights have been turned out," Scarlet/Priya said.

"You and Sam have history?" I asked

"He would often make visits down to my club, he was always such a nice guy but he'd often spend big bucks just to gain my attention. Now he's gone" Scarlet/Priya said.

I walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He sounded very important to you, I'm sorry for your loss," I said

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