The Finale Part 2

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“Do you think Hannah will be happy to see her parents?” I asked.

“I hope so, from how she’s spoken about them they seem super lovely however I just hope they don’t kill Bobby,” Marisol said.

“I just realised I’ve gotta contact Bobby’s parents and tell them our plans, I’m just gonna go find a quiet place to call them,” I said.

Marisol nodded in response as I left our table, I walked away from the cafe a little and found a quiet corner away from everyone.

I dialled their number and waited for them to pick up.

“Hello,” Bobby’s mother said.

“Hi there, it’s MC I was just calling to invite you to dinner and possibly go over your offer,” I said.

“Oh of course dear! Do you have a restaurant in mind?” She asked

“I’ve heard there’s a good Chinese place near the hospital, I don’t want to be too far in case there are any complications with Hannah,” I said.

“That’s alright dear, you just text me the name of the restaurant and we’ll meet you there”

“I will, I hope you have a good day,” I said.

“You too,” she said.

I hung up and walked back over to the cafe and sat at our table.

“How did it go?” She asked.

“It was okay, I thought we could have dinner with them at a Chinese restaurant nearby. I see our food arrived though” I said.

“I’ll text the others the name of the restaurant and see who responds,” She said as she began to eat her meal.

“You know I can set it up, I am a part of the group chat too,” I said as I began to eat my meal as well.

“I know but you already have so much on your plate,” She said.

“Well, I appreciate it,” I said.

We continued to eat our meal, we didn’t talk too much. It was clear the recent events were catching up with us.

As the day went on I decided to head back to the hotel with Marisol that they all had booked while we were here to freshen up. I didn’t want to leave Hannah but I knew my meeting with Bobby’s parents could help her.

Once we finally reached the hotel Marisol showed me to the room she was staying in and let me use her shower.

I realised it had almost been four or five days since my last shower, I undressed and turned on the shower. Feeling the water stream over my skin felt like the most satisfying feeling in the world.

I felt my worries wash away with the water, I allowed the water to calm me to take away everything negative I was feeling and thinking.

After washing my body and hair I finally got out of the shower. I wrapped myself in a soft fluffy towel and walked over to the door opening it slightly.

“Marisol, is there any chance you can pass me some clothes out of my suitcase?” I asked.

“Of course, anything in particular?” She asked.

“Comfortable but chic,” I said.

“On it,” She said.

I closed the door and dried myself off while I waited for Marisol.

After a few minutes, she knocked on the door.

“Thank you,” I said as I took the clothes from her.

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