Chapter 23: Punched

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Brooke POV


"Well it seems that you are two weeks and a half pregnant"

The doctor says as she did an ultrasound, Sophie stared at the ultrasound and had a puzzled look

"I can't see the baby" Sophie mumbled and the doctor chuckled at her reaction

"It isn't formed yet, maybe three to four weeks, you'll get to know what the baby's gender"

The doctor replied and Sophie smiled while she stared at the ultrasound, it was a sight to see seeing Sophie being supportive about me keeping the baby

I couldn't get rid of the child, Mom said it's my choice and I did decide to keep this child

When we were finished Sophie was extra protective and it was cute, I love her

"Are you hungry? I can buy you food or maybe do you want to rest"

Sophie asked as she shielded my face because of the sunlight, geez Sophie is an ideal girlfriend

I'm afraid some girls might take her away from me

"It's fine, I jusst wanna be with you"

I giggled and pecked her soft lips, she smiled ear to ear and we walked while holding each others hand

All of a sudden I felt a presence behind me but when I looked back, no one was there. Was I being paranoid?

"What's wrong?" Sophie asked and shook my head

"It's nothing" I smiled and Sophie opened the door for me


Amelia POV


I watched her from afar as she walks out of the hospital while holding hands with a thieving bitch

I clenched my fists and glared at her, that's my child not hers. Why is Brooke going together with her?


I huffed annoyed and started the engine because the office keeps calling me saying I have an important guest

Again my phone rang and I slammed the steering wheel


I answered the call shouting mad and I heard silence in the line, seconds later I heard chuckling

"Amelia derie, I think me have to talk" Oh I recognize that voice

It was Y/n, is she on my office saying her thanks of me giving her a grandchild?

"Y/n, I'll be there. I was just buying something. See you!"

I said with a smile then ended the call. Immediately I started the engine and went to my company

Who knows maybe she's giving me her daughter, that would be nice


When I arrived, I entered my office with a smile and I saw Alexandra sitting on my couch, not Y/n

Does she know?

"Alexandra, what brings you here? Where's Y/n?" I asked with a smile as I sat on my chair

"I little birdie told me that you made my daughter pregnant. What the hell were you thinking Amelia?"

Alexandra's demeanor changed and I gulped and tried to not tremble in front of her

"I'm not at fault here Alexandra, your daughter wanted me to get her pregnant"

I smiled but the next thing I recieved was her fist on my jaw

"Can you repeat that?"

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