Chapter 1

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Trigger Warnings: alcohol, mature language

It's been quiet since the successful heist over Met Gala. Everyone has their own lives and almost none of the crew have been talking to each other since the money was in. Knowingly Nine Ball went to Malta with her sister, Amita met some rich man, Constance kept making videos and she's now a big influencer. Rose shines again at her business, she's just carefree and lastly Daphne, well she kept her words about shutting up, and now she's a director and an actress.

Then there's Debbie, Lou and Tammy. They kept in contact. Lou still owns the bar, but it's been quiet in every other part of her life. Tammy divorced, lost the custody of her kids and is now living her wild years as a single woman. Debbie, well she can't just get enough. She has planned The heist of a lifetime.

"Hey, get over here!" Debbie shouts at Lou. "You know that we can really pull this off? We don't need any more planning" she kept going. 

"I'm still not so sure about it Debbie, for fuck sake it's a big gig. If we fuck up, we're not going to prison, we're dead." Lou continues to worry. "We have everything already!" she raises her voice to Debbie, who seems like she couldn't even hear her. Lou finally sits down next to Debbie, giving in to the brunet woman. She sights "goddammit, I'll call Tammy."

Lou takes the phone from the table and walks right out. They're at the building that they originally planned out the Met Gala heist. It's raining outside as Lou lights up a cigarette and starts searching for Tammy's number. "For fuck sake" she mumbles as her finger press the dial.

"Hey Tammy, how are ya?" Lou says, immediately hearing that Tammy's voice isn't so pleased from the call.

"You never call," Tammy blurts, "What is it? Debbie alright?".

"Yeah of course she is, but you know her. She can't leave the planning and gigs alone. She has another one again." Lou tells Tammy. 

They keep talking and after the call, it's real. They're going for the next heist. Now they just need more people to get with the three women and they're good and ready for the big gig. Nothing can stop the trio anymore.

You got a text from an old friend. You weren't really excited about it though. The old friend almost demands you to come to this bar, you know that you shouldn't go, after all your fathers business could be compromised from just that. 

But deep down you just want to try a different life once in a while. It's rather boring to be under your fathers eye all the time even though you're an adult, capable to decide of your life. There's no privacy, there has never been. Your father is ultimately one of the biggest mafia bosses and he knows that you're his only weakness. He knows everything you do.

You put on the jacket and watch yourself from the mirror. Pretty much shaking from the anxiety but you know that you have to meet your friend. You flee from the window, you're not making a sound as you go from the prison feeling house.

You walk down the streets, it's rather late and the sky is so dark blue, that it feels like it's eating the light from the store signs and car lights. You keep walking, knowing that the friend of yours will meet you up at a local bar. You worry if you're too late.

You see the bar's front door, and the bouncer standing there waiting for customers to arrive. You are of course prepared, the good old fake ids are in your pocket. As you walk to the door, you show them to the guy and like that you're just a regular customer in the bar. Of course you need to have a good alias, so you're not Y/N anymore, now you're Rebecca.

A blonde woman is sitting at the bar. "Another Martini please!" She calls the waitress.

You hear her barely as the song is just changing. You look at the blonde woman and check her out. She seems somehow familiar but you shrug it off as you walk up to the bar counter and sit down, there's chairs between you and the mysterious woman. 

"Hey, can I get a beer please?" you ask politely from the bartender. As you arrived, you didn't see your friend at the bar, maybe she's late? No panic, you try to convince yourself. She's just late.

The blond woman is hearing a soft voice from the side, she looks at you. 

"Aren't you a bit young to be ordering a beer?" she asks with a playful smirk on her face. "Don't worry, I won't blow your cover," she whispers as she leans closer to you to hear you.

You laugh. "Damn, are you always here playing the hero who doesn't snitch? and to be fair it's just a matter of year" you say sarcastically. You keep focusing on your beer, as your thoughts are running in your head. Your friend texted you to come to the bar at 12pm. Well the clock hit midnight but you're still not seeing her around.

The blonde woman twists in her chair and glances around the bar, people are dancing and some are sitting with their small friend groups. She doesn't want to leave you, she's rather intrigued by you . 

"I suppose you have a name?" she casually asks. 

You stop the beer drinking for a second, as you hear the words. you freeze a bit, you're not so good with new people and your anxiety makes it even worse. 

"Uhmm yeah I'm... I'm Rebecca. And you are?" you say knowing that you can't use your real name.

The blonde woman smiles at you "I'm Shelby. Lovely to meet you gorgeous" she goes and still keeps showing a little smile. 

"So why are you here, sitting all alone?" you ask as your eyes wander a bit. You try to make some small talk with Shelby. Somehow you can't just forget that she looks a lot like someone you know. But who?

"Just wanted a little change to what I'm used to," Shelby says. Shelby leans in a bit "so what's your story?" She asks as she leans her chin to her palm. You keep small talking a bit. Shelby even offers to get you another drink. You feel a bit more relaxed.

When a song changes, Shelby goes "Do you like this song? It's giving me a bit of a headache." She massages her temple with the hand she's not holding her drink. 

"Oh maybe you should go outside, take a little bit of fresh air maybe?" you say, referring to the headache. As you talk to Shelby you notice some guys in suits, they give you the shivers. You lean in to Shelby and whisper "Have you noticed those men standing there? I don't really feel comfortable here," you bite your lip "Sorry for being paranoid, but um. Maybe we could go outside together," you keep going.

Shelby raises her eyebrow for the offer. She takes a glance over at the men out of the corner of her blue eyes. "They look a little creepy over there. And what's with their suits? They know we are at a bar, right?" she asks with a laugh. 

You giggle a bit too to the good point that Shelby made. "I know right. Maybe we can both look after each other?" you say with a smirk on your face.

Shelby smirks back to you. Honestly she knows exactly who the men are, and why the men are there. But that is something she doesn't want you to know just yet.

A/N: This is the first story i have written in ages. Hope you like it! Tbh I wasn't going to publish this at all, but here goes nothing :D (my first language isn't English, so there is going to be grammar mistakes, sorry for that)

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