Chapter 4

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Trigger Warnings: Mature language, Alcohol

The car stops. It has been a very long and quiet journey, but now you think that maybe you're there, wherever "there" is. Tammy and Lou get out of the car before Debbie. Debbie grabs you by the shoulder as she almost drags you out of the car too. She's not gentle at all, you can almost feel the hate in her touch. To her you're just an enemy.

Debbie takes the bag off from your head and looks up to the men who are still watching every step and move you make. "Take her to the second floor room" she goes. As you looked around the place the trio started walking towards the front door, as Lou turned around a bit and had the smug look on her face again. She didn't say anything, but just looked at you. You on the other hand felt a rage pouring inside and you couldn't but yell "I hate you!".

Those were just words and you bet that they just enjoy seeing you as a mess, but you couldn't keep the words inside anymore. The men grabbed you as you were just screaming, you didn't want to be there.

Debbie and Tammy sat on the couch as Lou went and took a wine bottle. "Well she's in" Lou says with a smirk on her face. She's waiting for Debbie to have some kind of reaction but all she does is sight and close her eyes. Tammy on the other hand begins "She's not the target though..." she pauses. "Were we too rough on her?" she asks. Lou just rolls her eyes and pours herself wine.

"We weren't too rough on her. You know what her father did to Danny," Debbie finally opens her mouth. She's resting her face on her palm and the anger that she is feeling still from Danny's death can be touched. "That man is responsible for Danny's death. We will make him pay," she chuckles. "You know there's nothing more meaningful to him than that girl who's upstairs."

Tammy looks at Debbie then Lou, she knows that Lou could easily get Debbie to relax but all she does is drink wine. "I'm going for a smoke," Tammy blurts.

It must've been a couple hours now at least since you were brought here. The room you're in is decorated, it's not just a cement box, as you could have imagined. Still you feel anxious and can't focus on anything.

"Why did they take me?"

"What will happen to me?"

Those were questions you couldn't quite answer for yourself.

You keep spinning around the thought of you and Lou at that bar before. You can't forget the feeling around Lou, you somehow felt safe. How on earth did she manage to make you feel like that, even though she knew what was going to happen?

You're so stressed that it makes you sleepy. You can't help yourself and you fall asleep.

In the morning the trio are sitting down and eating breakfast. They haven't really been talking to each other since last night. Somehow there's so much emotion going around that words mean pretty little at this point. Someone has to break the silence.

"So the roles from now on ladies," Debby starts. She continues telling Tammy and Lou what to do. As she's finished, she walks right to her room without saying anything else.

"Well I better go see how's Y/N," Lou says to Tammy. Lou takes a tray as she starts walking to the stairs. She knocks on the door and enters.

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