Chapter 2

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Trigger Warnings: alcohol, mature language, mentions of guns and knife

Shelby takes a last gulp from her drink and sets the glass on the counter. She raises her hand to the bartender "Put her drinks on my tab, we are going to step out for some fresh air" she says as she offers her hand to you "My lady". You smile at her "I'm feeling like royalty here". You smirks at Shelby as you walk outside the bar. You almost immediately felt some kind of power in every word and move that Shelby makes. Now the power feels even more and more intense.

As you walk in front of Shelby and tell her about the men in suits. Shelby takes the opportunity and lifts her hand to the men, indicating that they should give her ten minutes before following.

"For real the men were kinda scary. Like why were they just staring at anyone and everyone" you laugh nervously. Shelby giggles a bit and nods her head as an agreement. "Yeah someone needs to tell them to let loose. This sleazy bar isn't that serious". You stop for a moment and take a deep breath of the chilly air. "So Shelby, are you from around here?" you ask. "I'm not actually. I just have a couple of friends who live here. They're just at a party, so I'm taking some time alone." she tells you. "How about you?". You think for a while what to say "yeah i'm from around" you keep the answer short. "Oh a mysterious young lady," Shelby says with a smirk on her face.

You turn your back at Shelby for a second as you hear a distance scream from somewhere. Shelby checks you out, just to find out that you have a pocket knife on your jeans back pocket. "Shes not as dumb as i thought she would be" Shelby thinks to herself.

You turn back, as you couldn't locate where the scream came. You frown. "So why do you seem so familiar?" you ask rather innocently. "Oh I don't know. They say that everyone has like seven people who look similar to them. Maybe you've met my coven" Shelby says with a wink.

Shelby gets lost to your innocent eyes for a moment, until she forces herself to glance away. You notice the little bit longer lasting look, it feels somehow comforting. You look back and for a slight moment you just think about Shelbys lips. They're perfect even and if you wouldn't know better you'd kiss them right away.

Shelby's whole appearance is just breathtaking. You didn't quite see her face good enough to notice the little things. Shelby's cheekbones, her blonde hair, bangs that almost go and cover her eyes. The black blazer and a top under it are finished with some golden pieces of jewelry. That appearance fits perfectly with her powerful essence.

Suddenly the whole moment is gone. The bar door to the same alley Shelby and you are slams open. The suited guys are there. There's three tall and big guys now standing in front of Shelby and you. Out of the blue, they are pointing at you with guns. "Holy shit" you say. Shelby raises her hands to the air like they were going to be robbed, you see the gesture. Even though you're not all confident, you can't just give up. Some instinct makes you reach out the pocket knife as you line yourself between Shelby and the suit guys.

"Hey, maybe we could be reasonable and put the guns down mates? Just put the guns down. I can give you money." The guys look at you, they say nothing. They look at Shelby searching for clues. One of the guys steps out "Put the knife down, or I will shoot" he says demandingly. Shelbys not ready to blow her cover yet. She wants to act just a bit longer. She takes a step towards and assures you to lower the knife "just put the knife down Rebecca. Well just give them our money and they'll leave us alone."

"Fuck!" you shout. You feel idiotic, your father has taught you better. You shouldn't leave alone anywhere. You take a look at Shelby and then all of a sudden it hits you. "No fucking way... You bitch!" you say furiously as trying to look around for an escape, but there's not any. When Shelby glances at you and hears you calling her bitch she realizes her cover is blown. "Well hello Y/N. Nice alias by the way" she laughs.

"You know when my father hears about this, you'll be dead. Just let me go before anything else happens. Don't be stupid." You says. "Don't be stupid? Says the one who takes a knife to a gunfight. You're hilarious... You know that you were stupid at the moment you stepped out from your fathers mansion, without any guards." Lou chuckles to you.

"I think we don't need any introductions? You know who I am, and you probably know that I'm friends with Debbie. You know Debbie Ocean, as Danny Ocean's sister right?" She goes on with a smug look on her face. "You will be surprised how much Debbie has planned this. Your father is going to pay for what he did to Danny" Lou assures you.

Lou grabs your chin between her fingers before you can say anything. "Now I suggest you just cooperate, because I really don't want to hurt you. but I will if I have to." She says intimidatingly. Lou reaches for her waistband as she grabs her gun, gesturing for you to move down the alleyway. You seem not to have any idea that could save you from this. You know you fucked up big time.

As Lou walks right behind you, you decide to resist her wishes. You stop and turn towards Lou and start vigorously "You know that you have about five minutes, until my father comes here?". Truly you know that no one is aware of you being in that alleyway. You take a resting bitch face and look at Lou.

The guys are walking behind Lou, they are still pointing with the guns, but Lou... She's just care free, she is the dominant person at this point and she damn sure knows it. She knows how things are going to go.

"Five minutes ago, I was flirting with you in that bar. No one knows where you are and you know it. And if they could figure it out, well we will be long gone before that." she says irritated, gesturing to you to keep on walking. You hate the fact that you know who is in charge here. You hate that Lou is so damn confident.

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