Chapter 13

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You sat there waiting. The long minutes went by slowly, irritatingly slowly. You could hear Lou yelling and Tammy responding to that with yells. 'What the fuck have I done?' you thought to yourself. 'Maybe I can beg for Lou to listen to my side - but I don't know what my side is.'

The bedroom door opened. "Care to explain?" Lou started right away, her voice was filled with disappointment. 

"I-I don't kn-,"

"Stop mumbling, speak or not, but don't mumble to me!"

You sighted, you didn't have words, all you could feel was completely lost. As you thought that there couldn't be any worse feelings in the world, it hit you. Her words pierced through you like a sword.

"I really was under the impression that you got me," she turned her back to you. You could hear, in the otherwise completely silent room, a sob. "For a second I let my walls crumble and allowed myself to feel something even though I knew it was stupid. But now I know the situation we're in, you are only the advantage that we got over you father, nothing else".

"You mean I - you felt something of me?" you asked utterly disappointed in yourself, to your behavior.

"Yes I did, god damn!" Lou cried out loud. She buried her face to her hands and didn't say more than that, she simply pointed to the door but couldn't bear to say the two words: get out.

Tammy was in the kitchen, she was calm already as you walked mortified from the bedroom to the living room. You could see her and hear her singing quietly a song that you didn't recognize. It was beautiful, her voice was calm and low.

"Moon river, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way

Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end
Waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend
Moon river and me"

As you walked to the window you couldn't actually see anything, the morning was dawning, but it was still so very dark outside.

"Here's some tea hun," a soft voice spoke to you, tapping your shoulder.

It took you by surprise, Tammy was being so nice to you. You didn't feel like you really earned it at that moment. You were holding the tears, but you weren't sure how long you could do it.

"It's not your fault. Things escalated and went the wrong way. I-I shouldn't have make a move on you, it was stupid of me. I'm truly sorry. The whole situation is messed up and things got ugly, but it's going to get better. We all need a good night sleep, tomorrow we'll be wiser".

"I have to go to the..." your voice cracked "bathroom". The tears were coming, and they were coming fast and heavy. Everything just stopped, you could feel the cold floor under your hands, you heard a buzzing, you heard a voice that was distant.

"What was that slam?" Lou asked Tammy from the slightly opened doorway.

"She just dropped on her knees, I-I-I," Tammy mumbled in panic.

A slight touch on your back, a hand, you could feel it but the terror was getting the better of you. 'Am I dying?'

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

"It's okay darling, hey Y/N I'm here, I got you, relax".

So many words, too many to focus on.

"Tammy can you, umm get me a cold wet towel? The towels are in the closet under the sink, bathroom," Lou said with a little bit of worry in her voice.

Soon you felt coldness on your forehead and heard occasional words "Breathe". You were getting back to awareness. The bittersweet fact that there she was, Lou, holding you. Rubbing your back, talking softly to you. Her hands lingering, making sure that you're safe.

Resting your head on her, hearing her heart beats, feeling the warmth that came from her breathing. At that moment you realized that you didn't want anything else. Nothing compared to this, the safety that she made you feel. Now you know what your side is.

"I'm so sorry Lou, I really am," you managed to say.

"Hush now." Lou's arms tightened around you.

"Here's the tea, I think you should drink it. It might make you feel a bit better," Tammy said. "It's waiting here, just take your time." She put the cup down to the coffee table.

"Are you ready to get up?" Lou asked carefully. You nodded and she got up. When she was standing in front of you, she offered her hand. Slowly and steadily she helped you up too and to the couch. You haven't felt so helpless in a long time.

When the morning came, you woke up to the sunlight shining through the windows. Apparently you and Lou both passed out to the couch. Her hand was resting on top of you as your head was resting on her lap. You didn't see or hear Tammy anywhere, but there was a note on the coffee table along with the empty tea cup.

Right in that moment you didn't care if the world was ending, and you surely didn't have any interests to wake Lou up just to read the note. It can wait. You want to think about Lou and this moment. 'This moment is good'.

A/N: Yeah I don't know why I'm being such a sadist to make us go through this emotional rollercoaster. Oh well, enjoy 🤠

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