that one time when we first met

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You'd come to stay with Ashton for a while, you'd just finished high school though you were on a gap year simply because you had no idea what you wanted to study at university.

At the time I was sleeping between Luke's place and Ashton's apartment, I wanted to get out of the house, feel more independent, all that jazz. I remember coming back to Ashton's place one day from a run and walking into the flat thinking that nobody was home. Ashton would've been at work, he was still slaving about at that shitty little DVD store in the plaza each day, though I kind of only think he was there because he had a massive thing for one of the girls that worked there.

I had my headphones in and so I hadn't heard anything when I'd walked into the house, I remember spotting your suitcases in the foyer but I hadn't thought anything of it. I'd walked into the bathroom, kicked my shorts off, pulled my headphones out and gotten the fright of my life when I realised that you were in there.

"Jesus fucking christ!"

You'd screamed in return, wrapping the shower curtain around your body before throwing a bottle of hair conditioner at me. I grabbed a towel, pulling it around my naked body and giving you a look.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"Who the fuck are you?! Get the hell out." you'd yelled back in reply making me groan and grab my phone, heading out the door and slamming it behind me.

You'd gotten out of the shower and gone to hide in the spare room, I'd thought of coming to introduce myself but decided against it. You probably fucking hated me. I took a shower before watching TV in the lounge room for the rest of the day, I couldn't bare to face you again to be completely honest.

Ash got home around four that afternoon, flashing me that same cheesy smile as he dropped his phone and wallet down on the kitchen bench before sitting next to me.

"What's up, man?"

"What's up? What's fucking up? Today I walked in on one of your girlfriends in the shower. I thought she was going to fucking attack me, she was angry as hell, Ashton. That's what's fucking up." I replied making him cock one eyebrow and give me a look.

He'd laughed in my face, non stop giggling until he eventually calmed down and met my eyes.

"That's not my girlfriend, Cal, that's fucking, Jaydyn." he managed to splutter out between chuckles. "She's staying with me for a few weeks while she checks out Sydney."

"Maybe just maybe, you could have fucking told me that this Jaydyn was a girl!"

"Well fuck, you've been staying at Luke's place for the past week, you only just came over last night. Plus her flight didn't come in until this morning when you went out and then I had to leave for work so I didn't get time to tell you!" He argued back before his expression softened and he let go a dry laugh.

"Cal, c'mon, who cares if she's a girl, she's lovely. I've been friends with her since I was about ten." he smirked before grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you." he said as he started for the stairs and I shook my head in reply.

"Hah, fuck no. She fucking hates me." I replied before letting go a dry laugh and meeting his eyes as he rolled them.

"God Cal, don't be a little bitch. Come on, the first impression she had of you is you walking in on her while she was in the shower, give her a break."

We finally arrived outside the spare bedroom and he knocked gently on the door, his head resting against the wood. "Jay, you in there? It's me, Ash."

"Come in." you called and I remember internally cringing when he opened the door, your eyes widened a little at the sight of me but you still forced a smile and came over.

"I heard about the little misunderstanding thing that happened this morning." Ashton stated before stifling a laugh "I'm glad you guys finally got to meet in the most natural way possible" he chuckled out, earning a thwack in the shoulder from you. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hey! Don't hit- okay, anyway I wanted to introduce you properly. Calum, this is Jay. Jaydyn, this is Cal."

I nodded before shaking your hand and making you smirk a bit.

"Okay brilliant, we'll leave you now." Ashton said before jokily saluting and shutting the door.

"Well, that was awkward as hell."

"Oh shut up, I know you like her."

And he was right, I did fucking like you, Jay.

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