Arc 1: THE HOUSE: Daniel (part 1)

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I'm baack!!!! I had a hard time doing this half-chapter, especially because it is an explanatory chapter. Let's hope it's understandable. . .


Sorry for the mistakes!!


Dan decided to put the bracelet thing aside. Whoever that deity was, it was none of her business until she contacted him. Besides, Raysa would take care of it if there was a problem, right?. . .

 Let's say yes.

For the time being, something else was on his mind: he wanted to know what had happened to the original Daniel. And by extension, how he got here. 

Throughout the day, he tried to contact the golden-haired goddess, without success. And the only time he managed to reach it, he got a simple message:

« In two days, you'll know everything. »

And he started to stress.

Trying to get out of it, he spent most of his free time with his brother, who was constantly wandering in the garden, and took advantage of the breaks between classes to crash into his classes. So he attended his first swordsmanship class, and realized that his brother was doing strangely well with a spear.

"Big brother, how come you're so good with this thing?

-Let's say it's. . . my weapon of choice.

-And me too, I'll have to find one?

-No: I'll take care of your protection. »

Which won't stop me from finding one ...

How long he waits for his powers to appear...

Thus, between his classes, those of his brothers, and the moments spent with his family, he almost forgot this famous meeting, until he went to bed two days later. Because he was awakened by Raysa's voice:

"Let's go sweetie. 

-Huh? He murmured, still woozy. What. . ."

He felt himself moving faster and faster, as if he were on a roller coaster, and ended up closing his eyes to avoid vomiting.

When he reopened them, he found himself in a dark space that reminded him a lot of the space in which he had come to his reincarnation. And as he lowered his head, he noticed that, in addition, he had his initial appearance, the one from his old life.

"Raysa, where am I?

-In a flashback space. You wanted to know what happened to you, didn't you? Then walk. »

The ex -little guy who had become a teenager sighed and began to move straight ahead. After a while he reached a circle of light in the centre of which were facing a red chair and a blue wormhole.

"Sit, the voice of the goddess commanded . »

He did so and saw the middle of the wormhole light up like a TV screen, before a picture appeared: his room – Daniel's room, with the boy tucked under the blankets of his bed.

"I hope it responds to your Questions, kid. »

Daniel was sick of it. 

Sick of his illness, of the dark atmosphere of his house.

Tired of staying here.

He knew that his problem had no solution, and that he could learn to live with it. But it was his temperament: he couldn't stand the situation anymore.

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