Arc 1: THE HOUSE- My family (part 2)

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Hey, it's been a whiiiiile!!! Sorry for the looong wait! Here's the rest of the story!

Hope you'll love it! Don't forget to vote and comment!


Sitting on a deep red upholstered sofa, Dan tried to blend in with the fabric while regretting his bubble bath. Louis, sitting on his left, had passed his arm around his shoulders, sticking himself against him to the point that the transmigrator thought that if Daniel had been less introverted, the two brothers would have had a fusional relationship.
In any case, it took away any possibility of escape.
Facing them, elegantly posed in an armchair, a cup of tea in hand, stood Duke Darren D'Esmerides and his wife, Anaïs. The first was a tall, vigorous young man of thirty-five years of age with a slightly vigorous face, light brown hair and dark green eyes. Currently wearing a white shirt and black straight pants, he exuded an authoritative aura that would have frightened Dan if he didn't know it was supposed to be his usual state. Not even the little flowery cup in his hands softened his gaze.

Next to him, his wife had just rested her drink to take a small biscuit covered with strawberry jam. Her golden hair was held in place by a diamond-embellished clip and the embroidered pale blue dress she wore enhanced her pink complexion. Around them, maids were busy cleaning, moving furniture or chatting with each other, all in an incredibly quiet atmosphere. As the silence became unbearable, the Duke finally put down his cup and calmly said,

"Let us alone. "

Two seconds later, only the little family was left in the room. Dan didn't have time to marvel that Louis walked away from him, leaving only his hand on his arm. Simultaneously, both parents, noble adults respected and known for their unfailing calm, threw themselves on their younger son to hug him:

"My God, I was so scared!the mother attacked by sticking him against her chest.

-We thought you wouldn't wake up," the father continues, who effectively immobilized them under his arm.

-Don't exaggerate, Dad! Louis jumped.

-Damn it, if I catch the guy who left you unattended, I'll have him beheaded!

-Sweetie, not in front of the children!

-You're right, my love, I apologize. "

Seeing this avalanche of anxiety, Dan felt his little "orphan" heart stir: he had never received so much attention in his life. He stammered:

"I'm fine, you know. There's no need to be afraid anymore. . . "

There was a moment of wavering, then the couple jumped back, reminding the boy that they were still unaware of his miraculous healing.

"What. . . How. . .the duchess gasped.

-How long have you been cured? The duke asked, more calm.

-Since I woke up,Dan answered. I don't know what happened

. -I think it's a manifestation of his magic," Louis told them as he got closer to the family embrace. So there's really no explanation. "

Both parents turned their attention to Dan, who was looking his best innocent face, batting his eyelashes like a movie star.

"The important thing is that you are well, darling," the duchess conclues while running her hand through the six-year-old's hair. I'm glad you're okay.

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