Arc 1: THE HOUSE: It's magic (part 2)

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I went back to class! It's going to be hard to keep publishing but I'll try anyway. But my calendar is completely messed up, so these updates will probably be irregular.In any case, I hope that you will continue to read...

Enjoy this small chapter! And sorry for the mistakes!


Count Acceman was not a kind man by nature: society understood that.

Although he could show big smiles in public and speak in a soft voice, his only goal remained to build connections, gain prominence and climb the social ladder. He couldn't aim for the top 3 because those who occupied it were unassaible , but he wanted to stay in the top five, as the former teenager said.

And if he remembered well, this one included for the time being the Netarias duchy (where Arianna, the rival of heroine in terms of magic and popularity came from), the Judel marquisate, the Carates duchy , the Adelman duchy and of course his own. The Count' family came right after, and that was what upset him. Even if he had built up a certain empire of power that had allowed him to ascend to that place, it was still nothing compared to the influence of the Esmerides.

And the biggest difference was in one point: the Esmerides were supported by the other members of the top 5 AND by a member of the Royal family. Although he did not know who,Dan knew that it was because of this that, despite the little momentof failure of his family, they had kept their popularity.

Despite all his efforts, the count had never had this chance.

When he learned of the illness of the youngest of the family whom he hated, he thought his opportunity would come: they would devote themselves to their offspring, neglect their political affairs, and eventually be abandoned by their supporters. And with their influence waning, he would take advantageof it to take their place. If the Esmerides weren't the Esmerides,it might have worked.

But they were, and even if what he had planned had not been done (and thus the Duchy didn't care about it), what he had done to Daniel had put a weight of 5 tons on his criminal record.

And he was going to pay for it now.

A few minutes before Dan, Louis and Eden come back. . .

"Duke and Duchess of Esmerides! What an happy surprise to see you here! »

Anaïs held back his trembling as her hand clenched around her glass. It seemed like the vermin wanted to meet its end quickly, to come to meet her like that.

"Stay Calm Anaïs, her husband whispered in a soft voice. Think about Danny."

The image of her second son popped into her mind, soothing her enough for her to find her smile again. She gritted her teeth discreetly and turned to face the man she wanted to gut.

« Acceman, so you're here, she said with a fake suprised air. I didn't think you'd show up. »

There was a murmur in the crowd as the Count's smile sank in his surprise. Already, not saying his title was a blatant disrespect, but the way she had phrased her sentence sounded as if he had something to blame himself for.

Like she said, "I didn't think you'd dare show up here. " The duke did not even take her back, contenting himself to watch them calmly, making spin his wine in his cup.

Why, the man thought, why did she said this? What does she know. . . wait. Does she know?

Would that girl have spilled the beans?

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