Dead...No, alive.

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No more pain. 

No more tears. 

No more crying. Nothing. 

 Just. . . that light in the distance. Getting closer. 

Even closer.

 Always close.

 Until finally. . . 

Dan suddenly opened his eyes, his heart beating like he had just running a marathon. He felt like he was waking from a nightmare, or rather a coma, as if someone had forced him out and brought him back to the world of the living. Once he had calmed down a bit, the last events before he fainted came back to him:

 "From the living? But. . . I'm dead, aren't I?"

 It was obvious to him: he had been hit by a truck weighing more than 20 tonnes going at 60 kilometres per hour. Unless he was undead or immortal, all that was left of him was mush.

 "But if I'm dead, then. . .

 He rushes up to look at his surroundings and concludes:

 ". . . I'm in heaven, right?"

Either that or it was very much like it. 

 Around him stretched an immense meadow filled with shimmering flowers, where brightly coloured butterflies flew here and there: multitudes of colours mixed on their wings, changing according to the exposure to light and creating a most magnificent colourful ballet. A few metres in front of him flowed a transparent lake from which multicoloured fish leapt from time to time, while on the other side of the shore lay a forest of trees with foliage so shiny that it seemed unreal (or synthetic). The sky was pure blue and the sun shone brightly; a soft, fragrant breeze floated through the air, caressing his skin and hair. 

 "That's great! Dan exclaimed aloud. I'm really in heaven! 

 -Sorry to shatter your dreams, but you're just in my backyard."

 The teenager leapt twenty centimetres as he turned around. 

An incredible feat. 

Behind him (or rather in front of him) stood a beautiful young woman with pale skin, light eyes and long golden hair, dressed in a long, very pale pink dress covered with golden arabesques.

 "I'm glad you like it though,"; she continued. At least you have good taste. . ."

 As always when he found himself in front of a beautiful person, the reaction was immediate: Dan blushed violently and backed away as quickly as he could. The godess raised her eyebrows:

 "Well, why are you running away?

 -I'm not running away, I'm creating a safe distance. " 

 The lady seemed completely lost, then suddenly burst out laughing:

 "You are very amusing,"; she said, calming herself down a little. Anyway, I'm glad you're finally awake. I was afraid the impact would be too strong.

 -What impact?

 -This one from the truck. "

 The teenager's eyes rounded like golf balls while a terrible thought crossed his mind. 

 "Wait. . . Did you send this on me?! 

 -No, of course not, she hastily asserted. I would never do that intentionally! ( She paused, then corrected herself) Well, I only did it once. . . " 

 Dan became more panicked and backed away even more. Without taking care of it, the woman continued:

 "But he's not dead, unfortunately. . . On the other hand, if the truck had hit you as violently as he did, you would have died. . .

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