Chapter Five

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It'd been a few days since Sam and Dean had become teachers at the school, and they were starting to think the demon wasn't a student at the school and maybe a teacher, although after trying the 'Cristo' trick on a few they quickly concluded it wasn't either.

After a long day, they returned to the library to report on their findings to Giles and the others.

"Nothing. Nada. Zip." Dean sighed as he sat down and pulled a beer from his bag and cracked it open.

"You have beer?" Willow questioned.

"Yep. Want some?" Dean offered.

"Dean." Sam warned jokingly.

"Hey, I can drink." Willow said.

"You aren't twenty-one though, are you?" Sam responded.

"Didn't stop us." Dean added. Just then, Xander came in, clearly angry at something.

"Are you okay, Xander?" Willow asked.

"Fine. Just peachy." he snapped.

"Cordelia?" Willow guessed.

"Cordelia." Xander confirmed.

"What happened? Usually you don't let her get to you," Willow queried, concerned.

"Yeah she just— all these low blows about Mom and Dad. I knew I shouldn't have told her about them." he explained, sadly.

"What's up, kid?" Dean took an interest.

"Why do you care?" Xander snapped.

"Curious." Dean said.

"Hey," Xander seemed to have realised something. "How do we know you aren possessed by a demon?"

"Xander," Willow smirked slightly. "They've been saying Cristo this whole time."

"Well, they could be lying about it." Xander reasoned.

"It's okay, Willow." Sam reassured. "Xander, we have these tattoos, they're wards in case a demon tries to possess us, they can't." Sam showed Xander his tattoo and Dean soon followed.

"You could be lying." Xander snapped, standing up. "We don't know!"

"Xander, calm down!" Willow cried anxiously.

"Well, kid, you don't." Dean replied, looking up at Xander. "But we're the best chance you got at figuring out who it is."

"It could be anyone!" Xander yelled.

"Wait." Sam stopped Xander. "Has anyone seen Buffy or Giles?"

"They've just been sorting out some books in the back." Willow told them. Dean and Sam sprinted up the stairs and turned the corner to see Giles and Buffy sat on the ground, peacefully sorting books.

"Cristo!" Sam yelled, capturing Buffy's attention and causing her to flinch. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus—" Sam was cut off before he could finish the exorcism, as Buffy (or the demon inside of her) pushed both him and Dean against a wall using telekinesis. Giles, froze. He had no idea what to do. So he was then flung away by Buffy.

"I'm going to have a lot of fun with you five." she smirked, walking over to Sam and Dean. "I am Sagillon. And this is the end for you." She clenched her fist and Sam and Dean both started coughing up blood.

"Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii," Dean just managed to continue.

"Aw, we don't want that, do we?" Sagillon said, throwing Dean into a bookcase, causing it to fall on him.

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