Chapter Ten

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After taking a kick to the face, Jack wiped the blood from his nose and got up, his eyes glowing yellow as he reached his hand out and pushed Glory backwards with his mind.

"Great. Just peachy." Dean muttered as he drew his pistol and aimed at Glory.

"We gotta go!" Sam yelled as he picked up the cold and Jack nodded at him.

"I can get us there." he said calmly as he clutched his nose. Releasing his hand, he grabbed the other three and flew away, although it looked and felt to Sam, Dean and Spike that he teleported to Buffy's house.

As he landed outside, he collapsed to the ground as Dean grabbed him. After making sure Jack was okay, Dean took him inside whilst Sam stayed with Spike as Willow arrived at the door.

"He's not coming in." she spoke bluntly.

"Willow, we need all the help we can get here." Sam responded as Spike nodded in agreement. Willow sighed and called Buffy and, after a few moments she arrived to the door and looked disapprovingly at Sam, but reluctantly told Willow to let the blonde vampire in.

Walking in, Sam and Spike saw Xander and Dawn sat on the sofa with Anya and Tara stood in front of them. Sam nodded at the two he hadn't met as Xander stood up and stomped over.

"What is he doing here?" he protested.

"We need all the help we can get here. Spike is help." Sam explained.

"No he's not, he's a vampire who, might I add, has a weird crush on Buffy!" he shouted as he squared up to Sam.

"You're one to talk, special ed." Spike interjected, only making Xander angrier. Xander turned his attention from Sam to Spike, forcing the former to stand between them.

"Look, I know you don't like each other but we've gotta work together. With both Glory and Sagillon around we need help." Sam said to Xander, to which the latter reluctantly turned and sat back down.

"Thanks for the save, big boy." Spike quipped as he chuckled at Xander. Sam rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the blonde.

"You aren't any better. I'm not an idiot, you were provoking him. If you're going to stay here that's gonna stop." Sam laid out. Spike just rolled his eyes and walked down the hall. Sam sighed and walked over to the kitchen, where Buffy, Dean and Jack were.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Sagillon was still there and she took some of Jack's power. It seems that she's going to try and gradually take it until she has it all and can release The Empty." Sam described.

"What was The Empty again?" Buffy questioned.

"Where demons and angels go when they die. If The Empty is released, then that could spell disaster. Evil angels and demons won't be good." Dean sighed.

"That won't happen." Jack grunted, picking himself up. "We're going to stop her. But first we need to find out why she's keeping Sabathiel around. He lost his grace, he's virtually useless to her so we need to find out why she's sticking with him."

"Right." Buffy agreed, yawning. Noticing this, Sam rubbed his eyes and turned to the blonde.

"Let's go to bed, we'll come at this with a fresh mind tomorrow." he smiled, as Buffy gave a grateful look and entered the front room to sort out sleeping arrangements. "You should head back up, take a rest." He said as he turned to Jack. After a moment of thinking, he nodded and disappeared.

"So we're sleeping in the car?" Dean checked, taking his keys out of his pocket.

"Yeah," Sam confirmed, walking through the corridor and to the door. Dean nodded and followed him outside, but they were both surprised by two demons jumping them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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