1- Nothing

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Jennette Margarita only ever wanted one thing in life,
to be loved.

But that was almost impossible. Jennette was cooped up in her own room in the duke's manor. She was informed about her relationship with the man she called 'uncle', who was apparently her biological father. Jennette felt betrayed, she felt disgusted, she was embarrassed. All this time, all this while, all her life she thought her father was the king.

That the princess was her sister. God, she even asked that stupid question. 

"How would you feel if we were sisters?"

Jennette cringed at the memory. She wished she never said that. That and the princess' reaction wasn't exactly what she had expected. Jennette thought she'd be alright with it, but it was obvious she seemed distraught by the scenario happening. Jennette Margarita was never truly 'loved'.

The people close to her would never choose her as a beloved. She was never first to her uncle, her cousin, the magician, Ezekiel, the duke, the maids, not even her own father. She was never the one people thought of first. Which brought Jennette to the question.

'Will there ever be anyone who would truly love me?'

Then, a voice came to her mind. 'Do you know what you sound like right now?' it said. 'Like a total brat!' it laughed hysterically, going on with it's insensitive rant. 'Seriously, you want attention that bad? Other people have things going on in their lives too you know,' Jennette couldn't fight with that.

The sharp voice lowered it's tone. 'So stop whining just cause people aren't giving you shit, your life is way better compared to most people's,' it deadpanned. The voice was raspy, almost like a boy's. Jennette felt tears swell up in her eyes. 'I just want to be loved...is that so bad?' she thought as hot tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.


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