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Jennette roams around the manor.

The Alpheus manor was decorated in white and gold trimmings in it's walls. Jennette walked out to the wooden patio. The sight of oak trees covering a crystal blue lake, slight sights of bunnies running along with their kind, robins tweeting in their own nests. Jennette took a seat at the white round table on the patio.

She looked out at the blue lake. The sight reminding her of her own eyes. Of her family's eyes. 'Some family, they don't care about you in the least!' the voice returned. It had popped up a lot lately, either to back Jennette up or degrade her. It always succeeded in making Jennette feel worse about herself.

Sometimes Jennette ponders if it's some other entity in her body. After everything, Jennette would be pretty happy to have someone who could never leave her. Jennette tried to push the thought to the very back of her mind, she didn't want this right now. She just wanted some peace and quiet.

She stared at the bunnies by the lake, how they played in the water so happily. So joyfully. Jennette realised she'd never played like that with someone before. She hugged herself before she could even have another thought. Jennette's eyes widened, it was probably just herself remembering most of the time she'd been around big ponds.

How there had been many times she or someone else almost or did drown.  Her eyebrows furrowed. 'Horrible memory,' she thought as she stood up, her hands still wrapping around eachother and went back inside.

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