5- I want to be her

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She has everything.

Athanasia de Alger Obelia was the pride and Joy of the kingdom. She was not only a genius and a saint, but she was incredibly talented and extraordinarily beautiful. And Jennette admired her for that. She had the love of everyone. Of the magician, the king, the knights, the maids, the servants, the townspeople, Ijekiel, and Jennette.

Jennette admired the princess. So when the princess saught shelter in Jennette's room for that small period of time, Jennette was unbelievably flattered. She was ecstatic. At first it was an attempt to ready her for Jennette to be her sister but Jennette found herself becoming extremely in love with the princess.

She couldn't wait for them to be family. Jennette knew the princess had problems of her own, that she wasn't 'perfect'...in a way. But Jennette wanted what she had. The love of the family, the love of the people, Jennette knew that Athanasia should be happy. And a part of her hated herself for wanting to be Athanasia.

That she should just be grateful for her own life. But Jennette couldn't help it. No one looked at her the way they looked at Athanasia. Why couldn't anyone, just one person do that? Was Jennette no longer lovable? Was she ever lovable? 'Jeez, stop being such a brat,' and again, another tear pricked Jennette's eyes.

'The princess is allowed to be happy, she should be happy. I'm happy for her,'

'Yea, keep telling yourself that,'

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