6- Execution

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She had not been looking forward to this.

Jennette didn't want to die. Not before somebody looked at her with loving eyes. Not before someone had brought out the words, "Jennette I love you,". She was only 18 for god's sake. She hadn't been married. She hadn't found true friends. She hadn't had her father play with her. Jennette went up to the guillotine silently.

The people whispering, "Such a shame, she was a beauty," "She tried to assassinate the king! Evil!" "She was trying to steal the king from our dear princess, what a bitch," "I heard her mother betrayed the king and slept with his brother instead!" "No wonder her family despises her, born from a common whore,"

She heard those accusations quite clearly. It hurt just as much as when the voice in her head said it. Her mother was a whore? But how was that her fault? Tried to the assassinate the king? She didn't even know she had black magic in her till just now! Her family despises her? That couldn't be...she thought as she grit her teeth. 

Rage engulfing her in sorrow and misery. Tried to steal the king from the princess? "Why couldn't we just be family..." Jennette whimpered as her head was pushed onto the guillotine. A tear making it's way down her cheek, she'd always been such a crybaby. She gave a small smile as the sharp edge of the guillotine touched the back of her neck.

'Jennette, I love you,'

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