10- A day in the sun

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Jennette figured if she couldn't find a way to kill time in the Alpheus manor, why not go outside?

There was never anything much to do for Jennette, not much of a purpose in a life you've already lived. Back then the only things she ever dreamt of were meeting her family but she'd been there, done that, and she's over it. In her opinion, it was kind of...what's the word...disappointing.

Instead of happy tears and cheerful smiles, she got a face of a horror and barely any time to spend with her family. Even then, Jennette's childhood was boring and dull. Everyday going by like the other, no special days unless it was someone's birthday or an anniversary of something. 

Jennette's 11. And has done practically everything one could do in the Alpheus manor. Not that she hasn't done the same in her past life, but this time she's tried multiple other things that she hadn't though of last time. She's read almost every book in the library, played every board game and has held a total of 301 tea parties since her reincarnation...but hey who's keeping count?

Jennette was home schooled so she didn't have any friends, her teacher never talked to her outside of work and she's already given up on the servants at this point. She's tried asking Uncle Alpheus out to multiple hangouts and/events which he'd always politely declined. And Ijekiel...he's always 'too busy studying' or whatever nonsense he'd pile up to give Jennette. Simply put, she didn't have a social life.

Which is why she thinks her days are so nonchalant and monochrome, in this life and the previous one. Out of the blue, she thought, why doesn't she head outside and find some friends? It shouldn't be too difficult, right? The girl got off her fluff bed and silk sheets and started dressing up.

A brown felt skirt with a matching short blazer should do it, a white dress-shirt and a red bow-tie seemed to fit with it as well. She started to dress herself in said clothing before wearing a pair of white socks and boots. She looked at herself in the vanity mirror and she looked good but the brunette couldn't help but feel something was missing. 

Until, her crow suddenly started making a 'caw' noise. It caught Jennette's attention for sure, what could it have wanted? She took it out of it's cage and held it in her hands. A few thoughts ran through Jennette's mind before she asked, "What do you think?"

The crow responded by flapping it's wings, startling Jennette causing it to be set free. It slowly flew over to Jennette's closet, Jennette following right after. She peeked her closet open to allow some light to shine through, it seemed as though the bird was dragging an article of clothing.

The girl watched in fascination as the winged-animal brought out a peanut-brown barrette that matched the colour of her clothes by it's beak. Jennette gaped, her mouth making the shape of an O. "Ah, thank you! I knew something was missing," She said as she gently took the headpiece from the bird and wore it.

She giggled as she looked at herself in the vanity. "It's perfect." 

The girl took the bird and pat it's head. "I wonder if I can take you with me." She wondered aloud. Raven raised it's head. Cute, Jennette thought. "Well you're pretty small so..." She stated as she looked around the room, her brown leather purse becoming noticeable. She ran over to it and hung it over her other shoulder using her free hand.

She opened the bag and brought the bird to it. Not dumping it in or stuffing it inside the bag, the crow dived into the hand bag and peeked it's head out from the opening, it's beak visible. Jennette chuckled at the adorable image and patted the bag softly. 

"Alright, not a moment to lose. Let's go make some friends!" Jennette told, a determined look on her face as she walked out the Alpheus manor's gates and onto the street. Immediately, she was met with people bumping into her and sounds of salespeople from markets advertising their products. 

Jennette was mesmerized. Were the streets of Obelia always this cheerful? It's not as if she's never gone out in her past life, perhaps because of recent events she's forgotten this feeling. This feeling of freedom. Like anything can happen. Like everyone is a stranger. A new world waiting to be explored.

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