11- Wally Nut

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Jennette finds a friend in a person named Wally Nut.

The brunette started her unmarked trek through the bustling streets of Obelia, eager to find a friend. She passes by a few food stands, the only kids her age busy with helping their parents. She's learned from experience not to disturb someone while they're working. So she disappointedly walked away from the place.

She reached the street with rows of shops, filled with kids around her age, looking at clothes and such. 'Jackpot!' Jennette can't help but smile, sparkles of hope flecking in her eyes (No worry, she's wearing her contact lenses.). She's tried talking to people in a group or people who were here with someone else, knock down two birds with one stone, right? But it was either her voice was too soft and they couldn't hear her, or they did hear her but chose to ignore her since no one she called out to spared her a glance.

Jennette sighed as she continued her search for her friends. That was, until she overheard a small whisper among a group of girls. "Hey, isn't that the Walnut?" One of the girls whispered, "Haha, no way! From that creepy instruments shop?" another whispered back, "I heard their family eats people." "Gross!" The girls laughed together.

Jennette was mortified. Who was Walnut? Why are they talking about them like this? What did they do? The brunette looked to the direction they were pointing at, in a dark alleyway, there was a shadow of a figure, seemingly belonging to an 11-year old, Jennette's age. She slowly made her way to the person, heart thumping louder each step.

She was caught by surprise when said person turned around as she got closer, their faces inches away from each other's, they froze, staring into each other's colourful eyes. 'Sunset...' was the first thought Jennette had when she saw those red eyes, flecks of gold becoming more apparent by the second. 

They stayed like that for a while before the other person ducked their head and walked to leave, Jennette grabbing their arm, not allowing them to do so. By the looks of their hair, their clothes, the state of them actually, Jennette deduced that this person was a boy. But their face...she glanced up at the look of wonder 'the Walnut' was currently giving her, it seemed to be that of a girl's.

She was brought back to reality when she heard those girls scream, "Eek! It's the Walnut! She's touching the Walnut, run!" as they ran. 'The Walnut' looked at the place they were running to, a look of sorrow washing over them before turning back to Jennette. "Is there something you want? Or are you here to make fun of me like them?"

Huh, a girly voice, perhaps 'Walnut' was a girl after all. "No! I just...wanted to talk." She answered, panicked, her voice shrinking as she averted her eyes. She could feel those red orbs examining her, judging her. Maybe this was a mistake. "What did you want to talk about?" 'Walnut' asked, her mouth shaping up to be a friendly grin. 

"Uh. I was wondering if you'd be open to being my friend? Not that you have to or anything!" She sheepishly asked, blush forming on her face, gripping the hems of her skirt. The other seemed to be in a daze, which Jennette took advantage of, deciding to look at this 'Walnut' a bit more thoroughly.

Brown hair that seemed to fade into red, tied into a messy bun, crimson eyes that reminded you of Chinese lanterns, and scratches of all kinds on her cheeks. Onto her clothes, a green flat-cap hat, a white short-sleeved dress shirt, layered by a striped, cedar-grey vest, khaki shorts, white, knee-high socks and hickory brown work shoes.

Her clothes covered in smudges of dirt and Jennette could tell by the plasters on the other's shins and elbow, she was in some sort of fight. A feeling of pity and sympathy washing over her. Then, the 'Walnut' spoke up. "Uh...sure? No one's ever really asked me that before," 'Walnut' scratched the back of her neck. 

"My name's Wally Nut, nice to meet you." She extended her hand for Jennette to shake, the noblewoman taking it before giving a firm shake. "I'm Jennette Margarita, nice to meet you too, Wally?" Jennette didn't mean for that to sound like a question. Wally chuckled, "I know, I know. Wally sounds like a boy's name," 

"Uh- no! I didn't mean for that to sound mean or anything..."

"It's fine, it's fine, my parents thought I was going to be a boy and stuck with the name even after I turned out to be a girl." Wally told, not an ounce of sadness apparent on her face. She didn't seem to mind anything that regarded her name, which Jennette was thankful for.

Wally looked at Jennette's purse. "Woah! Is that a crow?!" the girl exclaimed, obviously interested. "Uh, yea!" The other replied as she hurriedly took the bird out and held it in her hands. "His name is Raven." Wally looked at the winged-animal and back at Jennette. "Raven? Weird name for a crow isn't it?" 

"I guess but," Jennette let a giggle escape her, "I like it." Wally snickered in response. "You're weird. But that's okay, 'cuz I'm weird too." Jennette smiled softly. She thinks this is the start of something nice.

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